
Opinion piece: Gun control and illegal drugs 
Recently there has been more talk on gun control, due to the shootings in the past couple months.
Tonight on the news, they were talking about a 12-year-old girl who is suing AG Jeff Sessions because she was forced to move to Colorado so she could get cannabis oil for epilepsy.  She wants to make it legal to have in all states so she and her family can move back to Texas.
Sessions argument against legalizing drugs like marijuana is that people will start selling it on street corners if it is legal (yes, he is that out of touch with reality).
This got me thinking about the possible gun control laws that want to ban all guns.  In my opinion, if you make true ban laws for guns, what you are essentially doing is making it so law-abiding citizens have to jump through hoops to get what they need, but the bad guys will still be able to get guns easily, because they don’t follow the proper outlets to get them.  This will put citizens at a greater risk and may lead to more of these mass shootings.
Until tomorrow…