
I posted the following on /.

Agnostics are intellectual cowards. Reason tells you that there is no god.
Take evolution for example….
If you’ve ever taken a college biology class, you would be able to see that evolution occurs. Comparative Morphology, predictible genetic mutation, etc. etc. It’s backed by years of scientific research.
Then you have the Genesis Myth. God created the earth in seven days, and the whole thing is ohh, about six thousand years old.
The agnostic, by his refusal to choose, gives each equal creedance. It’s insanity, really. But it’s a convienient position for armchair philosophers to take, because it placates people. Think of it as the John Kerry position.
I am an atheist. Period. To steal a phrase, I want to believe. A mountain of evidence prevents me from doing so. Douglas Adams had a rather compelling piece on it in his final book. Some of Ayn Rand’s writings on the subject are also interesting.

I’m sure life would be easier for me, perhaps more pleasent, if I could believe. I know people of faith derive a great amount of comfort from it. I just can’t make that leap.
I think often atheism gets a bad name because some atheists have been immoral, irrational people. Oh, Stalin would be a good example. The Cold War took on an aspect of free nations of faith against godless statism. That was fine for the time perhaps, and useful, because it pointed to one of the fallacies of Soviet docterine. Nobody should be executed for believing things that are wrong. There are people who believe that we didn’t land on the moon… There are people who believe that LBJ shot JFK… There are people who believe a plane didn’t hit the Pentagon on 9/11… There are even people who believe that humans were created when aliens came to earth, then they fucked monkeys to make worker drones to mine gold, and we are those drones… And that’s oooookay. No reason to off those people.
There are also those who believe that by not adopting a religious code, you’re free to commit the seven deadly sins at will…
There are still many good moral teachings in religion. I tend to think that leading a life where you place restrictions on your behavior is ultimately a good thing. Right and Wrong are pretty easy to define, but again, you have to have the courage to do it, then adhere to it.

One thought on “Expound…”

  1. That is some awfully deep shit to read on a monday morning.. but I understand where you are coming from.

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