Day Six

I’m not hitting the prompts directly today. They both deal with friendship, what makes them, etc.

I don’t know, really. I know that I’ve probably ailenated myself to a lot of my former “friends,” over the past few years.

But, at the same time, I have to ask in a few cases, were they ever really friends? I kept confidences, etc., only to be taken advantage of. But that’s true about many other aspects of my life; I played doormat very well for a very long time. Almost as well as that punk on the Eagles last night laying in wait for that forward lateral. Oops.

I’m really bad at it these days. I really can’t put up the facade I used to. That doesn’t mean I’m going to be rude to you directly. Heavens no! I’m too damn passive-aggressive for that. But I will not waste spoons trying to accommodate you.

See yesterday’s entry. I know I’m an asshole some, if not most, of the time. Am I Tucker Max? No. I don’t aspire to be.

In many ways, social media has just changed how this stuff works. Instead of gossip behind someone’s back, it’s sort of more out in the open. But it’s still high school bullshit. If you haven’t grown up to get beyond that, don’t expect to see or hear much from me. My time and energy are too limited.

Now off to tak my shot. **exasperated sigh**