Democracy Fetish

Paul Krugman is orgasmic in today’s NY Times about the lines of voters waiting for early voting in Florida.
The thing that you have to remember, however, is that Liberals love democracy until the unwashed, uneducated masses disagree with them. Like over things like gay marriage. Or electing a Republican Congress in 1994. Then democracy is a bad thing.
No, too much democracy is always a bad thing. There’s really too much of it around. Indirect democracy is preferable. You have a level of political whores, then better men as you move up the line. Compare a Supreme Court decision to the transcript of a city council meeting sometime.

Now, on a sort-of related note, if you have been paying attention to the news, if you have a fucking clue about what the issues are, then go vote today.
And vote for George Bush. The war on terror is too important to be outsourced to the French — they’ll just surrender.