
Has it really been a year already?

This year I am going to try something a little different.  I am going to try and come up with a topic on the day I am writing and not go with a premade list of prompts.  We are going to make this artisanal as possible.  (Yes, I am part of the millennial generation.  Deal.). It’s going to be very Mark-esque from “RENT’.  “From here on out, I write without a script, instead of my old shit.”

So today, I think I will tell whoever is reading this a little about this past year.  There have been many changes and most of them were unexpected.

We had a blizzard in Tidewater, something that hadn’t happened in I don’t even know how long.

The bigger news from that day was I received a tentative offer from a government job that I had only interviewed for the day before.  I have been with them since March and plan to stay with them until the foreseeable future.  I enjoy the work and I enjoy the company I keep in the office, mostly.

With this offer came one of the scariest changes of my life so far, moving away from home.  Tidewater had been home for almost 18 years of my life, so moving to northern VA was not something I looked forward to, especially not alone, which is what I had to do.  Eventually Sean followed and we are currently residing with is brother and his brother’s wife while we get our bearings up here.

I try to go home every couple weeks, but I know as winter comes, that will get harder and harder.  Still not sure what the holidays are going to entail and that is a first for me, because my parents used to be a 15 minute drive away.  Now it’s more like 4 – 5 hours.  I enjoy being on the road by myself.  I can think, sing, and just be myself and no one really cares as long as I maintain my speed.

I have started using my FitBit regularly and am seeing results with that.  Since August, I have dropped about 18 lbs.  I need to be more disciplined in my dinner ideas and my weekly workouts and then I think I will be able to create my ideal body, or at least something closer to it.

I think that is enough for now.  Until tomorrow…




Intro and what I’m doing. This marks the ninth straight year.

On the old OD site, this was kind of a thing.  Essentially, you write every single day of the month of November.

Much as I was back in the summer, I’m happy, which really does remove a reason to write.  That was even before I chose to remove myself from most social media.

There’s really just that much to get wound-up about.  I’m sure the DNC delegation of Facebook friends would disagree, but, again, I don’t care.

A longtime friend scored me a ticket to Shmoocon in January.  I’ve missed the past three.  It feels more than a little strange, but maybe I’ll get something more out of it this year.

So, back to what I’m doing, and why.  I mentioned the old OD site.  It’s been resurrected following its demise back in 2013.  I’d purchased a lifetime subscription, which they did honor after reanimation.  I had downloaded copies of what I’d written before it went dark, but there is a bit of an old friend feeling.

I’ve been horrible about writing, there, of course.  (And yes, I’ll be reposting this there, too.)  I guess the reanimation was right around the time I got removed from round two of being in the 1998-vintage icebox.  (Originally, I’d said “shitcanned,” but I wasn’t fired.  I was laid off because a guy not worth the C4 it’d take to blow him up didn’t like me doing things according to published regulation…)

As for why I do it?  It helps me focus the many thoughts sprinting through this scarred brain of mine.  Do I have something to say about everything?  No.  There’s things that nobody needs to know.  There’s other things that pretty much are my sole interest;  why bore people with them?

But it also puts me in the mood for holidaying.  Can I really relax myself enough to enjoy them, for a change, this year?  I’m hoping so.

So, on to it.  Happy NoJoMo.

NoJoMo Prompts

November is tomorrow.  I’m sampling some prompts this year from a Teachers’ site. https://www.dailyteachingtools.com/journal-writing-prompts.html
  1. Intro and what I’m doing.  This marks the ninth straight year.
  2. Are you listed as an organ or bone marrow donor? Why or why not?
  3. Free-write
  4. Write a bit about your drivers’ licence. How old were you, where did you get it? What kind of car did you drive?
  5. What are some qualities of bad bosses? What would you not do if you were supervising others? (No, I won’t aks for you to make your worst bosses, but you can write about why they sucked.)
  6. Election Day.
  7. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought for yourself?
  8. Is there an outfit, a meal, a drink, a style, a whatever, that you feel is the quintessential “you?”
  9. Write about someone who is no longer a part of your life. Could be a love, a friend, a relative. Why aren’t they a part of your life anymore?
  10. What would you do if you could travel into the past?
  11. Veterans’ Day.
  12. What has been the biggest disappointment in your life that turned out to be a blessing in disguise?
  13. What is your favorite kind of weather?  Why?
  14. Compile a list of words that describe you as a child.  Compile a second list that describes you as you are now.  How are these lists the same?  How are they different
  15. Halftime.
  16. What was the last thing on your mind as you fell asleep last night?
  17. Tell about what triggers anger in you or someone else.
  18. What is on your bucket list? (A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die)
  19. What would you do if someone just gave you $1 million?
  20. Recap of your year month-by-month.
  21. Write a bit about what you do in a “normal” day.  What do you do?  Where are you?  Are you satisfied with your current situation?
  22. Thanksgiving
  23. Do you think steps should be taken by government (local, state or federal) to help curb the obesity epidemic currently happening in the United States? If so, what steps should the government take? If not, how do you feel the problem of obesity can be addressed?
  24. Small Business Saturday. Write about small businesses you frequent.
  25. Football.
  26. Thanksgiving leftovers — what do you have, and what are you doing with them?
  27. What places hold particular allure for you; where might you like to live?
  28. Free-write
  29. What are your holiday plans for Christmas?
  30. Wrap-Up.


Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve really made an effort to really withdraw from social media.  There are many reasons for this.

  1.  Google and Facebook.  I was utterly disgusted listening to the Senate testimony a few weeks ago.  The company who used to have the principle of “don’t be evil,” is now okay doing things with repressive governments.  I also noticed that GMail, and Facebook were suggesting friends I’d never even considered connecting with apart from private emails on 757.org.  So, the bits of doubt were planted early.  The testimony, the actions of perhaps less-than-honest mining, and politicans who purportedly represent me, I decided to really curtail things.  Well, that combined with;
  2. Politics.  I am at odds with the strains of jubilation from people who view me as a heretic, as well as the even older people who trot out other stupid stuff.  I don’t care.  Really.  Everybody thinks I’m evil because… Again, I don’t care.  I am who I am.  I explore ideas that are contrary to my conclusions.  But I shouldn’t be able to do that.  That I might access things not approved by the commissars is a problem.  I’m free to leave. Well, for now.  The strike-through is intentional;  I can leave, and there’s nothing that can stop me.  This is a problem for both businesses and governments.  Sorry.  The Internet, and the math that underlies it, are things that business and government can’t surpress without resorting to the ultimate weapon of government — force.  Fine.  Whatever. 
  3. When I chose to withdraw from FB, I jettisoned also G+, and LinkedIn.  G+, of course, had a similar data breech to FB.  I was tempted to say, “purportedly it’s shut down,” but i looked around, and it’s still up.  For now. I’ve complained about LinkedIn before, but it seems to be nothing but recruiters these days.  (Aside:  the legion of corporate recruiters is likely attributable to the major increase of folks graduating with Arts degrees.  Spell too well to work as a Barista?  Don’t worry.  You can work in tech staffing!!1!)
  4. Google’s decision to push all traffic in Chrome to SSL is a really bad idea.  Hey, it’s sekur, so nobody can look at it.  Except, of course, the totes didn’t use to be evil company, and the NSA.  You’ve also killed off all the sorts of things developed to make Intertubing faster since the web came into being.  I really don’t care that my people can see what banner ads I’m seeing, and those might be cached somewhere else.

I’m preparing to write again in November.  The summer writing went well this year, but I didn’t feel the need to do it.  There’s periods at work when I’m very busy these days, and don’t have the urge to write to kill time.  But I do miss writing.  As the year ends, I might have more to say.ca

    Thirty-one (8/20)

    Another Summer writing period finished, and tomorrow I embark on the final year of, to quote Oscar Santana, my douchebag thirties.

    All apologies if I kind of seemed off-in-space on these.  As I said, I really do wonder if a big part of what I was doing was because I was so miserable.

    I just got off the phone with a recruiter trying to get me back in to where I was for the bad situation in Norfolk.  I doubt I’ll have any opportunity, but that I’m even willing to consider it is evidence of how much I was fucked up.

    Was it better than what I was dealing with the first round in the icebox?  Yes.  Was it good?  Fuck no.  But that there’s no do-not-consider note, and that I might reciprocate says a lot.

    At the same time, I am more than satisfied with where I am, now.

    What a change from last year.

    And just as I started to rank things, I quit.

    2015 I was broke.

    2016 I was working like a dog, getting treated like shit, and my health was about to go off-the-rails.  (My first hospital stay was in September of that year….)

    2017 I was unemployed, after a few more unsuccessful months in the blast chiller.

    2018, well, read some of what I’ve written this month, and you decide.

    But I did it.  All finished.  Now time to celebrate some, I suppose.

    Or watch John Brennan backing down from his treason claims as fast as he fucking can.

    But Rachel Maddow will back them all up, so it’ll be okay.


    Thirty (8/19)

    Okay, so maybe I didn’t miscalculate my dates.

    One more day of this, then I’m finished. Not 30 entries, but there’s 31 days in these summer months.

    I am getting into the kick of writing, but I’m finding reasons not to, too.

    Sticking with it, well, that’s just what I do.

    Taking things back, though, and I’m going to actually edit this from what I’d originally recorded in my diary.

    I have edited the names here, with people other than me replaced by numbers.

    Conversation from IRC, over an ad on craigslist looking for a roommate….names changed to protect the guilty….

    15:49 [@sean] a——.com
    15:50 [@sean] temp agency
    15:50 [ 1] oh a——-
    15:50 [@sean] hrmph
    15:50 [ 1] yea
    15:50 [@sean] iow
    15:50 [@sean] we work like
    15:50 [@sean] three weeks at a time
    15:50 [@sean] we need someone to pay for shit!
    15:50 [@sean] so we can continue buying beer and rubbers
    15:50 [ 2 need to cut back on the rubbers
    15:50 [ 3] young male professionals
    15:50 [ 3] at least they didnt ask for a female only roommate
    15:50 [@sean] they’re mcses
    15:51 [ 3] they could be ccnas
    15:52 [@sean] novell
    15:52 [ 3] 4
    15:52 [ 5] loz
    15:53 [@sean] of course
    15:53 [@sean] they’re tards, too
    15:54 [@sean] town center ain’t far from planned parenthood
    15:54 [@sean] I’ve heard you can get free rubbers there
    15:54 [ 3] dude
    15:54 [ 3] they’re mcses
    15:54 [ 3] they dont use rubbers
    15:54 [ 3] just crisco
    15:54 [@sean] lmaonade
    15:54 [ 3] ANALEAZE
    15:56 [ 6] They have a big bowl of them at that planned parenthood
    15:56 [ 6] and it’s near the door
    15:56 [ 6] so you can run it and run out
    15:56 [ 6] w/out talking to anyone
    15:57 [ 3] analease?
    15:57 [ 6] no, rubbers
    15:57 [ 6] I was giving confirmation
    15:58 [ 3] we changed conversation focus to buttsechs mgs
    15:58 [ 6] since control-H is too scared to go in there
    15:58 [ 3] plz keep up
    15:58 [ 6] control-H needed to know
    15:58 [ 6] trust me
    15:58 [ 3] oic
    15:58 [ 3] I forgot
    15:58 [ 3] winkwink nudgenudge
    16:01 [@sean] 6: I can afford ones that don’t break like the free ones
    16:01 [ 4] if they get 100% o f the value, I doubt they would do shit
    16:01 [ 4] omg those are good condoms
    16:01 [ 4] name brand nigga
    16:02 [@sean] it’s like the crack dealer
    16:02 [@sean] they give you defective ones
    16:02 [@sean] so you’ll need to come back in a few weeks
    16:07 [ 3] but control-H
    16:07 [ 3] it costs them money when you come back
    16:08 [ 6] free condoms, but the abortions cost $$$ ?
    16:08 [@sean] it’d be like a onconology clinic handing out cigarettes
    16:08 [ 7] kek
    16:08 [ 3] rofl

    Notice the tag here is, “everything gets deleted, eventually.”  Maybe it doesn’t, though?

    One of the podcasts I routinely listen to regularly has been hitting on lately is about how people’s memories of things change over time.

    They do, certainly, but I think, maybe, keeping track of what you’re thinking and doing helps clarify things for later?

    I’ve really taken it in the shorts over the past five years on top of being sick.  Maybe what I’ve written will bring back clearer memories.

    But, as I said the other day, I think I’d started doing these summer periods because I was so fucking miserable with my situation.

    When I did this last year, I was about to start my next round in hell.  Perhaps I should say that I regret going back there;  I should have learned my lesson the first time.

    But, no, I did what I did because it was the right thing to do for our situation.  Things have changed.

    Speaking of that, reading back through that exchange, “a——” is a pretty sizable staffing firm.  So this was from August 2006, and sorta signified the start of the “gig economy” that was so widely-panned in the 2016 election.

    My understanding of it was a bit misguided, thinking that they were only working two days per month, and were focused on selling Microsoft’s products.

    I didn’t take into account the price of benefits.  I wonder if someone would do the math on that compared to now to see what the difference is.  Big companies are looking to peddle labor with a minimum of government meddling.  So government just puts things that further discourage companies from hiring anybody full-time.


    Free-write tomorrow to close things out.  My head is pretty clear, even if my vision isn’t.

    Twenty-nine (8/18)

    Another free-write as I wind down for this summer.

    Today’s been spent trying to fish things off my long-stored virtualization host.  It was in the basement, and getting data off of it is taking fore v e r.

    Unfortunately, it’s proving more difficult than I anticipated.

    *steps away for good dinner courtesy my wife*

    She’s out swimming, and I’m copying shit off a thumb drive to my desktop.  When it finishes, I’ll SFTP it up to my VM, and try to get the hrgeeks list back up and running again.

    That’ll probably have to wait until tomorrow, but at least now I have the data.

    Probably going to have to expand my Fantasy Football League to accommodate two more teams as another of my leagues dies.


    But two more days.  Maybe I should have found something to recycle for today, but busy doing other things.

    I do like where I am at this point, minus the travails with my health.  I don’t think I’m near death, and I’m not drinking myself into oblivion several times per week.  So there’s that.

    As I near the end of my weekly TV allotment, I should find a football game to watch or something.

    Twenty-eight (8/16)

    I was trolling through old entries again, and the one I found from 2002 is pretty lame.  I was writing all about my newly-acquired Mac G3, where I was trying to get both System 9 and OS X 10.1 to work.
    The fun part of that release was when Finder would crash, and the only way you could fix it was to ssh in, and reboot the host.  Thankfully, things are more reliable these days.
    That said, in my current role, I’m finding that there’s a lot I missed with UNIX and Loonix in the past few years.  But, then, I didn’t have the position, money, or energy to spend time with any any of it.
    I paid attention, even if I wasn’t able to do much hands-on.  I could be sore about it, but the responsibility is split between me, myself, and the folks living in Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prison.
    All that said, however, I do feel uncomfortable sometimes with the seat-of-the-pants moves.  But not as uncomfortable as I was in my last round in the icebox, where they did whatever the fuck they thought would work, and blamed others when it didn’t.
    Purportedly, things there are going higher.  I have no idea what the status is on the complaint I filed.
    ((somewhat long rant about the hell I’ve been through deleted))
    The dilemma I have is how much time I spend learning stuff that’s already obsolete.  I’m relatively comfortable in both a real System V and Linux System V environment, though there’s blanks I have.
    But how much do I focus on filling in those blanks when it’s already obsolete?
    Tough question.
    Today is the start of the Thanksgiving babby birfday roll call.  Interestingly, the two who celebrate today are two of the ones who are most removed from my life these days.  One largely on account of actions taken against me (yes, I can hold a grudge).  The other on account of adherence to a faith that worships a thoroughly corrupt political organization.  I do wish both of them well, though I’m having trouble being upset about the lack of F2F.  ‘What can I say;  maybe that makes me a bad person.
    I started writing a couple of days too early this year.  Consequently, I’ll finish before my normal 20 August end date.
    Kinda distracted by all of this.
    So, another free-write today.  It happens.  That said, maybe that’s what I was trying to do all along.  The writing is coming a lot more easily the past few days.
    I can’t see worth shit, but I can still plunk out some words.

    Twenty-seven (8/15)

    I had something in about this.  (https://ijr.com/2018/07/1108794-10-intense-reactions-kavanaugh-pick/).  Especially the former governor of Virginia’s response.
    Well, at least he’s learning well from one of his former constituents in NoVA.
    People will die.
    Not a lot of writing tonight.  I had a busy, but successful, day, and dinner just showed up.

    Twenty-six (8/14)

    Trying to dig through things I have marked as Draft here.
    This has been floating around lately.
    How can you purport to support “Net Neutrality” while supporting this sort of editing?
    I don’t know.  I think I wrote about that plenty of times.
    You can’t be butthurt about Ajit Pai changing rules about Net Neutrality while at the same time favoring private organizations making choices to block speech.
    Here’s where I am with it — there’s lots of shit on the Internet that I choose not to consume.  Let me reiterate with emphasis;  there’s lots of shit on the Internet that I choose not to consume.  That it’s there has no effect, whatsoever, on me.
    It’d be foolish for me to worry about things that do not affect me.
    My Tysabri infusion really hasn’t kicked in yet, though I do feel better than I did, say, Thursday and Friday.  More than a little miffed that my former insurer called me seeking information so they can try to fleece my new insurer, too.
    Supposedly my wife has a new prompt she wanted to see me write on.  I guess we’ll see.
    Thankfully, though, I don’t have to work this weekend.  I’m trying hard to be upset about that, though I am a bit disappointed that I can’t choose to have fun a couple of days next week.  Whatever.