Just say \"no.\"

Why can’t I even feign surprise that the drunk, self-described “redneck” who keeps calling me, asking me to play a song, even though I’ve told him that we’re talk radio, was a big Kerry supporter?
/me buries head in hands.
Fuck working Saturday nights.

Just say \”no.\”

Why can’t I even feign surprise that the drunk, self-described “redneck” who keeps calling me, asking me to play a song, even though I’ve told him that we’re talk radio, was a big Kerry supporter?
/me buries head in hands.
Fuck working Saturday nights.

Just say \"no.\"

Why can’t I even feign surprise that the drunk, self-described “redneck” who keeps calling me, asking me to play a song, even though I’ve told him that we’re talk radio, was a big Kerry supporter?
/me buries head in hands.
Fuck working Saturday nights.

Just say \”no.\”

Why can’t I even feign surprise that the drunk, self-described “redneck” who keeps calling me, asking me to play a song, even though I’ve told him that we’re talk radio, was a big Kerry supporter?
/me buries head in hands.
Fuck working Saturday nights.

Just say \"no.\"

Why can’t I even feign surprise that the drunk, self-described “redneck” who keeps calling me, asking me to play a song, even though I’ve told him that we’re talk radio, was a big Kerry supporter?
/me buries head in hands.
Fuck working Saturday nights.

Just say \”no.\”

Why can’t I even feign surprise that the drunk, self-described “redneck” who keeps calling me, asking me to play a song, even though I’ve told him that we’re talk radio, was a big Kerry supporter?
/me buries head in hands.
Fuck working Saturday nights.