I’m still doing too much — my sore hamstrings are an invisible testimony to that.
I had started writing a response to the interview with VP Harris, and SMA Tim Walz.
(Yeah, he was a pinned on CSM, but retired as an MSG, so I’m actually retroactively inflating his achievements more…)
While I was underwhelmed, I was trying to be indifferent about it. Whatever. I’m not going to vote for her, and my opinion of President Trump gets lower pretty much every time he speaks. There also won’t be a Libertarian on the ballot in Virginia, so I’m not sure if there’ll be anything worth writing in. Glenn Youngkin, maybe?
The folks on The Fifth Column were actually harsher towards the performance than I was.
#442 – Kamala Speaks! Tim’s Gr – The Fifth Column – Apple Podcasts
I admit that I had it on in the background while I was working, but I don’t think it allayed my concerns any more. I went from oh-hell-no to no, and I’m back to oh-no.
Looking at the Senate polls, though, there is some points of reassurance. I think it probably ends up being pretty much tied again. Could be a surprise here and there; Larry Hogan could win in MDDR, and maybe the filibuster stays.
And a few more years of running on continuing resolutions because there’s no way to fix the broken mess that is the Federal Budget.
But what I was trying to do with what I’d started assembling was to write down little bits piece-by-piece, then write to those after having some time to reflect.
But i wanted to consume. Maybe i shouldn’t have done that, and waited to consume anything else until I’d spit out what I was trying to put together.
I suppose that that sort of approach might work better for things that are more settled. With something as fleeting as an election, maybe it’s impossible.
So, what else?
I think we finished up Hard Knocks last night. I actually do kinda like the staff that Eberflus has assembled in Chicago. I was really happy when he came in that they got back on the 4-3. Less enthused about the dink-a-lot “West Coast” offense, but it’s better than the stuff that’d been there the before.
But, on Hard Knocks, one of the interesting parts of the show was seeing who’d make the cut week-to-week.
“Bring Your Playbook” will lose all meaning.
We also started in on the Steve McNair thing on Netflix.
I was tired, so we stopped after the first episode, but it sounds like they’re going to get into some conspiracy stuff later on. Guess we’ll find out. But it seems to come down to advice an elderly, reserved southern gentleman once provided; “don’t go to sleep with someone crazier than you.”
To reword in a style closer to what my friends would say, “don’t stick your d— in the crazy.”
Staying with the NFL, my reaction to the stuff in Brazil with the Twi^H^H^HX ban is that the NFL should pull the Iggles-Peckers game scheduled for Sao Paulo.
*Searches the F’n Web*
The league can reimburse the teams for whatever costs might stem from it. Want to be a part of the free world, you have to allow things you don’t like.
That was the reaction I had almost immediately after reading the news.

That’s enough for now.