Lazing Saturday

Writing because I have a few minutes.

And refusing to work. I really feel like there’s things I ought to be doing.

Actually, no, I should be doing what I’m doing.

Looking at probably five straight twelve-hour days this week.

But I think I’m ready. TV viewing has kind of been offset by Olympics being on. I watch a bit, but it’s really not something I’m terribly interested in.

I could dive deeper into the mess that is politics, but that might be more disappointing than many other things.

Watching the sputtering economics happening. NYSE started deflating. What’s Trump’s solution? Stop taxing Social Security income. What’s Harris’s solution? Tell the world that Trump is worse than Hitler because he doesn’t want to raise taxes on corporations. (That don’t even pay taxes, anyway…..)

1-2-3 Plan. Set interest rates to 1% above inflation. 2. Halve discretionary spending. 3. Triple all tax rates and fees.

Not Voodoo Economics.
