Finding Your Faith

But not a traditional faith.

I’ve kind of been in a vacuum all week between physical therapy and a class I needed to take for work.

For too many of my acquaintances, it’s faith in one particular slice of a particular political persuasion.

Kind of coming out of my hole, and consuming information that’s been consistently accurate.

Where is that? Reason. their coverage of the authoritarian the Democrats picked as Officer Harris’s VP has been outstanding. So, too, has been their coverage on Venezuela.

My takes on the various topics?

Venezuela, and the rest of South America. I haven’t checked a lot of real news aside from a lot of derision from the world about the “election.”

That the ruling party, but the count presented by the government agency he controls, said that he got almost exactly 51% of the vote, when there’s other observers who say that the opposition got something like 70%. Even the rulers in the US have questioned the official result.

So have many of the other, even more left-leaning, South American leaders. But there’s not going to be any deep examination of that because there’s a genocide happening in Gaza. According to the Gaza Health Ministry.

But they’ve been right about everything all the time.

And they’re doing incredibly well because of the amount of petroleum they’ve got.

That pretty much only places that don’t care about the environment will burn.

Argentina seems to be getting lost in the blurbs about Venezuela and Brazil. Milei has kind of come out against dollarization. I do kind of understand his reticence on this. The US dollar, in spite of the stupid spending coming from the other side of the Potomac, is still relatively stable. El Salvador, Panama, et. al., have all kind of stabilized on USD. Chile, with its Chicago School-educated politicians, and many other countries have chosen a different strategy.

The Canuckistania have based their currency on a variety of other currencies, and the price of petroleum. That oil is still going down in price. OPEC has cut production how many times in the past two years?

Bubuhbut, PETRODOLLAR~~`~

You can take a bunch of it out of the ground, but it’s not being bought and burned, it doesn’t matter.

The USD has value for a variety of reasons. Convertibility to either gold or petroleum really isn’t the big reason anymore. Maybe it was different in 1976, but….

I guess I understand the energy behind the attraction to the Austrian School, but, the hard realities of international relations, and running a country, have slapped him in the face hard.

But let’s run stories about how the Peronist who was there before Fernandez wriggled her way back in was chatting on his wife.

So he’s a piece of garbage, but at least he didn’t try to get the economy back on solid footing.

The past few days, the folks who’ve destroyed the Libertarian Party, reached an agreement with reached some sort of funds-sharing agreement with RFKJ.


And some notable public people have now endorsed RFKJ.

Okay, Rogan. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

The polls don’t really clearly show what kind of effect RFKJ’s candidacy is going to have on the election.

i really do wonder what the vote totals are going to look like. The more I see, the mor I’m seeing signals of 1992.

I don’t have a good segue way to American politics, unfortunately. Robby Soave, and others, over at Reason have pretty convincingly brought out his glaring weaknesses.

For the record

  • He retired as an E-8.
  • He didn’t finish the school he needed to be a CSM.
  • He was popped for a DUI in 1994. That sort of conviction would have pretty much killed any career you’d have had as an active duty enlistee.
  • His inaction during the riots was incredibly apalling
  • that COVID hotline.

So, kind of disgusted by everything at this point.