I was looking for a recipe for pfeffersuppe, which I used to get when I lived in Germany. It’s way hot, but I’ve never been able to find something in a cookbook here that resembles it. So, google for pfeffersuppe, find something, and translate it. You get fun stuff like this:
2 Paprikaschote(n), green
1 Stange/n Allium (leek)
1 Stange/n Celery
1 Zwiebel(n) (vegetable bulb)
200g Ham, cooked
100g Spaetzle, refined
1 Litre Rinderbruehe
50g Butter
2 EL Pepper – grains, green
2 EL Parsley, chopped
1 Msp. Muskat, rubbed
The vegetable bulb take off. The sellerie deseam, which hard threads remove. The leek deseam. The Paprikaschoten halve, entkernen and the white septa remove.
The vegetable wash and into fine strips cut.
The butter in a pot zerlassen. Therein the vegetable easily, with Rinderbruehe abloeschen anbraeunen. Heat to reduce and with small heat about 15 minutes easily cook leave.
The cooked ham in strips cut and together with the Spaetzle briefly before end the time to the soup give.
The soup with pepper grains, parsley, salt and Muskat taste and serve.
Zweiblen = onions.
I’m probably close to being able to fix it, but the stuff I had didn’t have spatzle, and I don’t have a clue what “Rinderbruehe” is.