Alroc wants a mac

10:56PM [Jay] http://( [– classic eatin’ up CPU!
10:58PM [alroc] that shit dont work
10:58PM [Jay] ?!
10:58PM [alroc] thank you come again
10:58PM [count] your stupid firewall is in the way alroc
10:58PM [Jay] oh yeah
10:58PM [alroc] no no no
[SpongeBob] ain’t loadin’ for me either
10:58PM [alroc] i hate stupid firewalls
[SpongeBob] wtf
[SpongeBob] hold up a minute
[SpongeBob] alroc lookin’ at mac shit
10:59PM [count] omg
[SpongeBob] jealous
[SpongeBob] bust0r3d
10:59PM [oreo] alroc looking at macs
10:59PM [oreo] wholy shit
10:59PM [Jay] it don’t work anyways. hhe
10:59PM [Jay] I donno why
10:59PM [oreo] reboot the router
10:59PM [Jay] it’s been fucking up today
11:00PM [alroc] counts getting the dual 2.5ghz g5
11:00PM [alroc] i just know it
11:00PM [alroc] i can feel it in me bones
11:00PM [oreo] alrock will also
11:00PM [Jay] that shit is pretty expensive
[SpongeBob] he’s gonna get a VW when he gets his license back, too

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