
Do you take things too personally?
I do more than I wish I did.  There have been certain times in my life when I thought that people were only doing something in order to attack me.  I feel less like that nowadays, but there are still times when I wonder if someone is just trying to hurt me, even if it is through a very small, insignificant gesture.
I think we all have times in our lives when we are going through a course of bad luck and therefore, anything that happens to us during that time has to be the work of someone who is purposely trying to get us.
During my time in college, I was unable to get an internship with one of the major accounting firms in the area.  Some people close to me started to speculate that someone who I considered a friend was going into these firms and telling them about what a terrible person I was.  To me, there are two things that seem very wrong with that theory:

  1. Have you considered how that would make the person look to the company?  Who would really want someone to work for them that comes in with a bad attitude like that and who in an interview immediately starts talking crap about someone?  No one, because nobody wants a problem employee.
  2. How awful of a person must you think I am that people would be so quick and willing to start spreading lies about me?

I think the truth about the internship situation is that I don’t interview well and I learned too late that even low-skilled jobs still count for experience in the professional world because it gives the firms a point of reference as to what they can expect from you.
There is only one firm where I believe I was not given an opportunity because of a vendetta, but that wasn’t from someone in my circle of friends.  It was an employee who felt slighted by me for something I was involved in.
I honestly think that nothing opened up for me here because the universe knows that while I love where I live (the city at least, not a particular fan of our building), I really want to be somewhere else.  As of now, it looks like things might be moving in the right direction for that to happen in the coming year.
Until tomorrow…