Not good news

The Copaxone stopped working at some point (if it worked at all), and I had two new lesions between December and August, one of which was active during the scan last week. Other lesions grew in size.


I really haven’t noticed any significant deterioration, and, for the most part, I feel the same as I did in December.

I dunno.

Doctor would like to switch me to Tysabri. Tysabri has a rare, but often fatal side-effect. This is a big concern, obviously. That said, there’s now a blood test to determine susceptibility (which seems to hinge on exposure to a virus in the past). I guess we’ll see. I’m staying on the Copaxone for another three months, and we’ll re-evaluate in November. If I haven’t been exposed to the virus that causes the fatal side-effect, it’s likely going to be Tysabri. If I have, it’ll be Rebif or stay on the Copaxone.

Still, trying day, and I’m more than a little upset at the nurse who told me last week that there wasn’t anything new or active on the MRI.


One of those things you wonder about

….whether or not you might have inadvertently pissed someone off with some offhand comment.  Maybe it shows that I haven’t completely quit giving a shit about others’ feelings.  Dunno.  Of course, there are some people I know I’ve pissed off, and I really don’t care if they tell me or not.  Maybe it’s getting old.  Maybe it’s realizing how petty, and lacking in understanding they are.

Excuse the random bitching.  But, I really doubt anyone ever reads this, anyway.

Followup to last

So, no progression on the lesions on the MRI, but nurse said the neuro wants to switch me to a different medication.  If you’re confused, so am I.

I’ll push back on it, unless there’s a really compelling reason.  If it’s working, I’d just assume not switch.  Yes, taking shots every single day seriously sucks.  But it’ll have been fourteen months on monday, and I haven’t missed a single one.

Dunno.  I guess we’ll see.


So, MRI today.  The techs weren’t really forthcoming with the information, and I don’t really like having to wait.  I’ve delayed my prescription refill until next week, hoping the neuro’s office will let me know before my appointment next week that everything is a-okay.


But I still can’t say I’m used to this nonsense, and the reflective dye injection still treats me badly.  I didn’t have as bad a reaction this time, but still felt like I was going to puke.  Bleh.  I’m thinking that, more than the other concerns, makes the Tysabri less of an option for me if I need to switch meds.  The results about improvements in vision, along with it being only once a month are plusses, but, still, IV.  Bleh.


Wages stagnant, because what would have been given as raises is being spent on health care. While I still thin there’s not a way to fix things other than a single-payer insurance system (not this mess the ACA created, or HSAs), this sort of accounting analysis is blasphemous to people who support organized labor at all costs.

Count them as income, and see how much that line worker is actually earning. Do the same for me, too, but I actually pay income taxes.


My degree is in Governmental Administration.  I am a highly-trained bureaucrat.  There are few people who could hope to out-process me.  Still, there’s times when you need to apply common sense to a situation.


If someone passes out on the hottest day of the year, you don’t need to give him a whiz quiz.


Buh buh buht POLICY!!!1!  Yeah, fuck it.  It’s 105 degrees outside.  Use your goddamned brain for a minute.  Pumping someone full of saline so he can piss in a cup for you doesn’t make a damn bit of sense.  It can wait until Monday, when the person has had a chance to rehydrate.



Independence Day

Nice BBQ at mom’s with wife+inlaws.  Good food.  I’ve been horrible about keeping up with my writing lately.  It happens.  I’ve been writing stuff I actually get paid for.  What have I learned over the past three weeks?


IA people are bigger idiots than I ever imagined.