All the tripe fit to print

So, the New York Times has nothing about Ronald Reagan on its editorial page today.
But they do have a piece nailing the Enron execs caught on tape….
The media just keeps getting worse, since the “journalists” took over.
(A journalist is a reporter who refuses to think.)
Anyhow, I’m considering going up to the Capitol on Thursday. Not quite sure why I want to, but I do.

MT’s response

SixApart finally responded to my query about MT on users. Of course, this isn’t the answer I wanted to hear, but it is their decision. Comments solicited from y’all
Message follows….
Thank you for your email and sorry for the delay in response.
I understand your situation and we by no means want to shut anyone down.
However, since you are hosting MT for others, you would need a license. But
I think the best way to avoid too much cost would be for each user to have
their own version registered with us. As long as they are personal, then
they can each download for free. I hope this helps.

MT's response

SixApart finally responded to my query about MT on users. Of course, this isn’t the answer I wanted to hear, but it is their decision. Comments solicited from y’all
Message follows….
Thank you for your email and sorry for the delay in response.
I understand your situation and we by no means want to shut anyone down.
However, since you are hosting MT for others, you would need a license. But
I think the best way to avoid too much cost would be for each user to have
their own version registered with us. As long as they are personal, then
they can each download for free. I hope this helps.

Wonder how I missed this….

Fumbling around on Neal Boortz’s website….never read this before.
Not that the Republicansn are much better in many aspects, but you get all that when you vote for Democrats on the national level. W00t.
I do agree with removing the mortgage deduction. I actually think there should be no deductions, whatsoever. No payroll taxes, either. The best solution would be taxes on consumption, combined with tariffs and excise taxes. Alternatively, you tax income at a flat rate (same percentage for everyone) with no deductions. No personal deduction. No deductions for kids. Nothing.


Blogfeed and 757 should be back up and running again after Adam broke Perl.
Nothing much going on here. Tired, not sleeping right.
I pwn drived.
He sucks at DOD .
And if he makes fun of my network again……….

Rules of Beer

These are non-negotiable. If you think differently, you’re wrong
Rule 1: Any beer you have to fortify with fruit is not worth drinking.
Rule 2: Any beer sold in a tackle shop, you do not drink unless you are fishing.
Rule 3: A beer is a snack, not a meal. It shouldn’t be like a bowl of oatmeal.
That is all.
Again, if you disagree, you are wrong. And you find tubgirl attractive.