Well, that’s when the writing begins.

But there’s been so much else I’ve been preparing for to get ready for the end of the year.

Watching On Patrol Live last night, there were two spots in a row for Christmas ads. It’s not even Halloween! Am I ready for trying to figure out something to do with my wife since I can’t have a Lexus with a bow on its roof in the snow?

That’s supposed to start after Veteran’s Day.


Halloween seems to kind of passe these days. I remember seeing things the past few years about trying to actually move the date because, you know, safety. Trick-or-treating should be at from 4:30-6:00 the last Friday in October.

Let’s erase the religious significance from it. You know who else tried to excise parts of history that didn’t really fit? The FP had a thing the other morning about abortion being a health care right, and forcing Catholic hospitals to perform them.

Thinking more about it, after my initial you-can-leave attitude, it occurred ot me that, no, they wouldn’t. They’d stay to help take care of people because they’ve got a purpose higher than whatever some politician sets.

But that’s as bad as Kavanagh being a member of the Knights of Columbus.

What can you do?

Senate? Yep. House, not that it matters in a district that’s been blue since the Northern Aggressors left in 1877? Yep. President? I still haven’t decided.

The WTF interview with Dan Crenshaw was about the best endorsement of Trump I’ve heard. (Interesting tidbit there, too, about RON PAUL(pbuh)’s strategy in the House that let him get things for his district, while still being able to vote against the larger bill…)

The interview with Reason kind of pushed me his direction, but then I saw some third party debate that reminded me of the things I really don’t like about him.

I guess the Trump interview with Rogan is up on YouTube, which might be better than dealing with Spotify, but I’m skeptical whether it’s worth three hours to still be undecided at the end.

I need more coffee, and this is meandering.

Still would like some more topic suggestions for next month.

Sore Saturday

Another week out of the way. I basically finished the big kludge I was working on for work, which required work last weekend.

The whole situation is um, strange. I’m caught in a strange place. No, I’m not talking about politics, where that description would fit for me with politics.

Maybe it’s something where I’m not really on anybody’s “side.” That, of course, makes me a legitimate target.

I’ve gotten polled a couple more times this week. Who are you planning to vote for?

I’m really not sure, but I’m leaning towards Chase Oliver at this point.

So. Trump?

Um, no.

I missed most of the Saints’ game Thursday night. Yes, it was my own doing, but I think I’ve improved this system’s reliability and performance by some of the things I’ve done. Unfortunately, that requires me to work most Thursday nights. I suppose when I fell into that pattern, Thursday Night Football wasn’t as much of a thing, but I forewent the Saints’ game to work.

Anyway, Sean Payton’s return to New Orleans was a pretty stunning success. The Saints’ readopting of boring same boring formula in use around the league. Andy Reid has done the same thing in Kansas City.

Obviously it’s effective. It’s also a bit boring.

Did you know that they pre-plan their first XX offensive plays?

Yeah, and I still don’t care.

Work on next month:

  1. Start
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. Likes and dislikes, plus things you thought you wouldn’t like, but have come to very much appreciate
  7. ???
  8. Birthday recap
  9. Travel Recap
  10. Free-write
  11. Vetteran’s Day
  12. ???
  13. Thanksgiving plans
  14. ???
  15. Halftime
  16. ???
  17. Free-write
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
  21. ???
  22. ???
  23. ???
  24. Free-write
  25. ???
  26. ???
  27. ???
  28. Thanksgiving Football
  29. Thanksgiving recap
  30. Wrap-up

Actually Got Lobbied

Got a random call from a 703 number yesterday.

It was someone working for the Republican candidate running against Don Beyer Volvo. This part of Alexandria has been a Democrat stronghold since the Northern Aggressors finally left in 1877, so there’s absolutely no chance he’ll win. I plan to quietly vote for Mr. Torres, but I don’t hold a lot of hope he’ll win.

The absentee ballot I don’t remember requesting is sitting next to my sinister hand. Actually planning to be out of town for Election Day, anyway, so it’s good.

I’m lining things up for what’ll be a busy month ahead.

I am going to write, but I have no idea what I should cover.

  1. Start
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. Birthday recap
  9. Recap
  10. ???
  11. ???
  12. ???
  13. Thanksgiving plans
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. ???
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
  21. ???
  22. ???
  23. ???
  24. ???
  25. ???
  26. ???
  27. ???
  28. Thanksgiving Football
  29. Thanksgiving recap
  30. Wrap-up

But I think I’m pretty much, actually, wrapped up with medical stuff for the year. Next year is one thing after another

Should I do “Dry January” since I’m already going to have to go get my insides scoped?

I should go do work.

Both Sides Are Bad

That’s a nicer than saying they’re both stupid.

After bailing on Trump’s interview with Sharyl Atkisson after hearing again, nothing worthwhile, I stumbled across Neil Cavuto interviewed Mark Cuban about his support for Kamala

They had a back-and-forth about Trump’s bad monetary policy…..without any mention of how really bad Biden/Harris have been.
Both candidate are relying upon just ungodly amounts of circulating money. Nobody ever expects that the spigot will ever close.

But it will. It has to. The maths don’t work otherwise.

Trump came out either yesterday or the day before with a proposal to limit credit card interest rates to 10%. Much like his pitches for no taxes on tips, and Social Security Income sounds good at initial listening, but they don’t fix anything.

Stop taxing tips? The deficit in Social Security gets worse; the “trust fund.” (That doesn’t exist because no politician has been willing to raise the retirement age even though life expectancy is now probably close to twenty years more than it was they bumped it the last time…) Social Security Retirement is out of money, and there’ll be mandatory cuts very soon, now. Taking off contributions on tips.

Meanwhile, nobody is willing to actually reduce spending, raise taxes, and raise interest rates.

No, NeoHips, the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!!1! didn’t have a damned thing to do with every single TSA agent being a Federal employee.

But Kamala, and Alsobrooks are going to make sure grocers don’t soak consumers in pursuit of their 1% margins.

Nobody has a plan. That’s worse than it’s ever been.

Digging For Topics

It’s a Wednesday night, and I’m trying to figure out what I’d like to write about in November.

I should be figuring out what to do with lining up various medical appointments. Or fixing this NetBSD host. Or…

I did try to watch another interview with Trump, and failed to get through it.

I was very interested in this today. All sorts of interesting implications regarding law. The treaties, including Trump’s NAFTA replacement, all rely on Mexico having an independent judiciary. The changes being made right now really call that into question. Do the treaties still apply if the other country isn’t keeping up its end of the bargain?

It also speaks to treaties with the former USSR. Do they matter?

I’ve come to think, lately, that there needs to be more temporality to basically every single law/treaty/regulation.


Don’t Push Me

Because I’m close to the edge.

Of the weekend.

So many more things happened this week that I’m just letting slide by.

In the WTF Substack group, saw a link to this.

There’s interesting parallels with what’s happened recently in the LP.

In fact, there’s even some of the same participants.

Reason’s hit before “the takeover” is still very accurate.

Still keep having Johnny Sunshine by Liz Phair floating through my scarred brain.

You left me nothing

Oh well.

Less busy week ahead, I think. We’ll see. Maybe I’ll have some time to write.

I do need to corral some topics for November.

Another Saturday

I’m bothered this morning by people for whom love for Officer Harris has become the new faith.


That’s almost as bad as the people praying outside abortion clinics.

Ofc. Harris will fix it all


Excuse my skepticism.

But there is a pang of sympathy to Rex Kramer in the video, there.

I don’t want your promo for the Party of the Klan. Really. You’ve done nothing to convince me.

Other stuff….

Different frustrations with work. I don’t even know what to say at this point.

I kind of would like to go see this. I don’t know if I can juggle the schedule enough to make it happen. Kind of a significant event the day before. Lots of stuff with work around that time. Then PCP appointment the next week.

Starting Sunday

The NFL came back on Thursday night. Very good game, and my strategy for my primary fantasy team worked very well.

I actually, kind of by accident, ended up drafting bth Lamar Jackson and Patrick Mahomes.

The latter ended up getting traded for a couple of wide receivers who may provide good numbers for the year.

The Ravens-Chiefs game Thursday night was very good. I wrote last time about the situation with the game in Brazil.

I’d considered scribbling down the names of the companies that supported the debacle, but why? I don;’t care about either of the teams, and, probably most of the companies advertising aren’t things I’d typically buy, anyway.

Still, if you think what’s going on in Brazil is a good thing, or any of the stuff they’re doing, I really don’t want anything to do with you.

If you’re a politician who speaks out in favor of penalizing jailing murdering people who disagree with you, there is absolutely zero chance I’ll ever vote for you.

Sorry, Officer Harris.

Sorry WLAF Commissioner Walt.

So. What’s on tap for the week?

Probably a ton of work. No medical stuff, thankfully, though things start again in earnest next week.

ComXfinity has an AI app I can use. Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to make it work for Fantasy Football.

Sleepy Saturday

I’m still doing too much — my sore hamstrings are an invisible testimony to that.

I had started writing a response to the interview with VP Harris, and SMA Tim Walz.

(Yeah, he was a pinned on CSM, but retired as an MSG, so I’m actually retroactively inflating his achievements more…)

While I was underwhelmed, I was trying to be indifferent about it. Whatever. I’m not going to vote for her, and my opinion of President Trump gets lower pretty much every time he speaks. There also won’t be a Libertarian on the ballot in Virginia, so I’m not sure if there’ll be anything worth writing in. Glenn Youngkin, maybe?

The folks on The Fifth Column were actually harsher towards the performance than I was.

#442 – Kamala Speaks! Tim’s Gr – The Fifth Column – Apple Podcasts

I admit that I had it on in the background while I was working, but I don’t think it allayed my concerns any more. I went from oh-hell-no to no, and I’m back to oh-no.

Looking at the Senate polls, though, there is some points of reassurance. I think it probably ends up being pretty much tied again. Could be a surprise here and there; Larry Hogan could win in MDDR, and maybe the filibuster stays.

And a few more years of running on continuing resolutions because there’s no way to fix the broken mess that is the Federal Budget.

But what I was trying to do with what I’d started assembling was to write down little bits piece-by-piece, then write to those after having some time to reflect.

But i wanted to consume. Maybe i shouldn’t have done that, and waited to consume anything else until I’d spit out what I was trying to put together.

I suppose that that sort of approach might work better for things that are more settled. With something as fleeting as an election, maybe it’s impossible.

So, what else?

I think we finished up Hard Knocks last night. I actually do kinda like the staff that Eberflus has assembled in Chicago. I was really happy when he came in that they got back on the 4-3. Less enthused about the dink-a-lot “West Coast” offense, but it’s better than the stuff that’d been there the before.

But, on Hard Knocks, one of the interesting parts of the show was seeing who’d make the cut week-to-week.

“Bring Your Playbook” will lose all meaning.

We also started in on the Steve McNair thing on Netflix.

I was tired, so we stopped after the first episode, but it sounds like they’re going to get into some conspiracy stuff later on. Guess we’ll find out. But it seems to come down to advice an elderly, reserved southern gentleman once provided; “don’t go to sleep with someone crazier than you.”

To reword in a style closer to what my friends would say, “don’t stick your d— in the crazy.”

Staying with the NFL, my reaction to the stuff in Brazil with the Twi^H^H^HX ban is that the NFL should pull the Iggles-Peckers game scheduled for Sao Paulo.

*Searches the F’n Web*


The league can reimburse the teams for whatever costs might stem from it. Want to be a part of the free world, you have to allow things you don’t like.

That was the reaction I had almost immediately after reading the news.

That’s enough for now.

Reel It Back

I’d started writing a long thing on my impressions of Officer Harris’s DNC performance.

I had a good headline written about Ofc. Harris’s speech, “Fears Allayed.” There was a marked departure from some of the stupid things that have been done leading up to her aborted candidacy in 2020, and things done by the Biden Administration.

Does that mean I’d ever vote for her? Hell to the NO.

She is, and will always be, a Cop Who Wants To Be President. That she backed down from some of the authoritarian impulses seen during the first two years of the Biden Administration don’t change what she and many members of her party did.

I understand that I’m supposed to be feeling JOY, but I don’t.

Even more so when I think about her choice of a running mate.

Some call it Authoritarianism, in Minnesota, they call it disease control.

The stuff with his National Guard service is also concerning. Do I think it’s really “stolen valor” that he portrayed himself as a CSM when he never finished the course, and retired as an MSG? No.

The 1995 DUI/DWI arrest really, really, really bothers me.

If he’d been on active duty, he would have faced very harsh penalties under the UCMJ. That he skated as a Guardsman is incredible.

So, too, is his continue employment with a school district.

I can remember my mother working for Fairfax County Public Schools and being nervous about having a glass of wine with dinner because of their policies regarding staff consumption. That would have been in about 1990?

Microsoft’s inline punctuation check is annoying.

Scads of speeches laying out standard Democrat talking points, but, largely her speech was made to erase the memory of what she, and her party, did since Obama left.

The things I’d wanted to write about also got derailed by some of the stuff from the Libertarians, and the RFK Jr. “drop-out.”

I listened to the SoHo Forum debate with Art Laffer and Chase Oliver. I could pick out a few things from each where I disagree, but the chances of me voting for Trump are about as close to zero as they’ve ever been, and Oliver probably won’t be on the ballot.

Even if he was there, I’d have trouble filling in the circle next to his name.

So march it on. I’m ready for the fall.