
Well, it appears I can do damn near everything I need to do on the NeXT.
It’s pretty cool, actually, seeing just how useful NeXTStep is, after all this time. I do need to put together one good machine to work on, and perhaps get a copy of OpenStep 4.2 to install.
But, god I love this keyboard. I really need to find something this good for my other jank.

And the light turns on

Thomas L. Friedman finally gets what Christopher Hitchens pointed out months ago. Worth a Thousand Words.
(If you need a login use “slashdotac” for the u/name and p/word)
Of course, he doesn’t skip an opportunity to slam Bush, and he convieniently skips over the part about how his boy Kerry would have done things differently (Kerry would have cut and run at the first opportunity, because he’s unwilling to take a stand on anything. Any price is too high a price), but it’s nice to see someone else finally understand.
And he mentions nothing about the left being against the war reflexively, because Bush is leading it. Although he points that direction, calling himself a “Blair Democrat.” Bullshit. You were there with Michael Moore six weeks ago.
But, whatever, welcome to the discussion. It sometimes takes a weak bulb awhile to come on when the weather’s cold out.

John McEnroe

So, I’m one of the three people in America watching his program right now…..
If they ever make a Beavis and Butthead movie with human characters, ol’ Johnnie would be well-cast in the role of Beavis. Take a look at the profile view….


No shit. Tele and I were playing just now on [HYB]Custom Map Pub(Fast Download).
Would be better as a CS:S map, but it blows legoland out of the motherfucking water.
They got like, cop cars out front. And if you’re the Germans, you spawn in the shitter.

Clan 757-Mac

So, another member….
Let’s see, roll call!
acd1c (and/or stugs)
Coming Soon:
It just keeps growing and growing….heh.

Just say \"no.\"

Why can’t I even feign surprise that the drunk, self-described “redneck” who keeps calling me, asking me to play a song, even though I’ve told him that we’re talk radio, was a big Kerry supporter?
/me buries head in hands.
Fuck working Saturday nights.