Hitchens pwns up on Michael Moore

From Slate. I seriously dig the Orwell quote, and it’s patently true.

The majority of pacifists either belong to obscure religious sects or are simply humanitarians who object to taking life and prefer not to follow their thoughts beyond that point. But there is a minority of intellectual pacifists, whose real though unacknowledged motive appears to be hatred of western democracy and admiration for totalitarianism. Pacifist propaganda usually boils down to saying that one side is as bad as the other, but if one looks closely at the writing of the younger intellectual pacifists, one finds that they do not by any means express impartial disapproval but are directed almost entirely against Britain and the United States …

*cough*Every war protester since Korea?*cough*
Pretty much. And it also explains the fascination with Communism among many in the Baby Boomer generation during the 1960’s and 1970’s.

Jews don\'t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\’t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\'t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\’t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\'t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\’t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Places Named After Numbers

Beyond, below, above
A gravity that slumbers
At the center of
Places Named After Numbers
Different kind of love

She was right
She was right there
She was right there all the time
Collasping all the way

And though it seems from here
That she was never there
Light beams disappear
Into her blackened hair
I wonder if they reappear

Supposedly it’s about black holes. I’m fucking with RBL’s as of late. Chaz pointed out blackholes.us to me last night, and I added it today. My bawf wants me to block as much spam as possible. While I personally detest RBL’s, they’re the most effective way to do it right now. I’ve also added some SA jank that seems to be helping some. I will say that those motherfuckers are getting better about fooling SpamAssassin. I had a male enhancement ad that got something like a -120 score.

I did get some kind of sick pleasure out of adding china.blackholes.us for some reason. There was a story about a week back that said that something like 70% of all spam is from China. Magic bullet? Perhaps.

Still getting settled in at the other place, although I’m going back home after work today. Not for any particular reason….

I guess gmail accouts are a hot item now? I’m trying to understand the massive attraction. I’s gots webmail pretty much everywhere. Will you be able to like do IMAP-SSL to it? If so, then I might be slightly interested.

Oh gawd. It’s that fucking awful Hoobastank tune again. /me slits wrists lengthwise……


I have PBR in my fridge, and I haven’t cracked one open yet. How sad is that?
Getting settled in at the new place a bit. Still having difficulty sleeping…different bed and all that. I will say that I already am not missing the drive to work. Being able to roll out at quarter after eight, and still roll into the newsroom at 8:40 pretty much rocks.
Fighting with a Mac running OS 8.5 lately. I think I’m going to have to do some major surgery on it. Suck. For whatever reason, it keeps dropping the network connection with DHCP enabled. It’s also quite possible that the fucking NT4 server acting as the DHCP host is fux0r3d, too. If I go back there, there’ll be a helpful error message like “The DHCP Server Service failed to start. 0x00000FUH0mo.
Adam and Jay have moved to WordPress on users, and Adam set one up for Mary. I think pretty much everyone should switch over. If you still dig MT, install it in your /home, and deal. Still got some CSS/Theme issues to work out, but I like it better so far.