Day 12

I’ve been absolutely horrible about straying from the prompts. But anything I might have to say lately comes off as bitchy. Do I have a lot to bitch about? Certainly. Do I need to share it? No.

1. What can make you laugh, even when you are having a frustrating day?

And the TSG Mugshot Roundups linked on Fark.

2. Write about all the different roles you play in your life, i.e. wife, mother, sister, brother, father, son or daughter, etc.

Tom Smykowski
Former radio guy

3. And an extra challenge today, since our word of the day is laughter: in the notes below, leave your favorite joke.
Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

Day 11

I’m feeling less-than-creative, so both prompts. Yes, it’s a few hours early. BFD….

1. Write about the your most memorable kiss.

I’ve been mulling this, and while I have a few memorable ones, I really don’t think about them a lot.

Naturally, I remember my first with all its awkwardness. Come to think of it, every first kiss is awkward. Including the one I’m thinking about (with my wife).

Maybe this is a prompt for the ladies? I remember romantic moments, sure. But the kiss part of those? Ummmm……

2. If you could be any creature, real or fictitious, what would you be and why?

It’d be really unoriginal for me to say, “God,” now wouldn’t it? (And it’d probably be offensive to a lot of people….both believers and non-believers).

Fractured “I don’t know,” on this one.

If I had to choose an animal, I’d be a dog.

Day 10

1. Are you a jealous person? If so, is it in all areas or just in relationships? How do you handle your jealousy?

Short answer: No.
Longer answer: Priorities are different for each person. There isn’t anyone else alive who has priorities exactly the same as I do, or who has made the same decisions I have.

Are there certain accomplishments I might be jealous of simply because I know I’ll never be able to do them? Yes. If it comes out that those accomplishments have come through force or fraud? No.

Not tweeting this. Based on the general paucity of comments, pretty much nobody is reading these, anyway.