I’m okay with this.

The Internets are saying that FOX News is doing a silent boycott of Twitter after ANTIFA-linked thugs published one of their hosts’ addresses.  Link  Link

Twitter was slow in responding to these people.  Facebook was quick.

But instead of calling them to the fucking Senate for hours of berating by guys who probably don’t even know how to dial a cellphone, they took their message elsewhere.

That’s completely appropriate.

I'm okay with this.

The Internets are saying that FOX News is doing a silent boycott of Twitter after ANTIFA-linked thugs published one of their hosts’ addresses.  Link  Link
Twitter was slow in responding to these people.  Facebook was quick.
But instead of calling them to the fucking Senate for hours of berating by guys who probably don’t even know how to dial a cellphone, they took their message elsewhere.
That’s completely appropriate.

New Year, etc.

Writing as I try and tie up loose ends on the next-to-last day of the year.
Making progress on some things, but others keep popping up randomly.
I can find some solace in realizing that everything changes.
And this site says everything gets deleted, eventually, but notsomuch this, now that there’s more than one author.

Plus Two

Pretty clear now that I’m being laid off come tomorrow.  A younger, healthier me would have been excited by this sort of liberation.  Old, wobbly, blind, responsible me, not as much.  Trying to capture lessons learned from this seems somewhat pointless.  The people most responsible wouldn’t actually learn anything from the mistakes many of us made along the way.

The larger lesson?  Stove-piping everything just doesn’t work anymore.  Maybe it did ten years ago.  Maybe you could just try to make incremental improvements to the existing stuff.  But what does the existing stuff do?  Why are people using it?  Those questions remain unanswered.  The graying set don’t bother to even ask those questions.

Why would they when they believe what exists is nearly perfect as it is?  That’s doubly true when there’s financial incentive for both them, and their customers in creating new, expensive, Rube Goldberg replacements?  There’s markup, relationship-building, etc. on every frill that ends up in the design.

Going back to what I wrote about  last year, there’s a few unwritten assumptions with the oft-used tree graphic.

1.  The customer knows what he wants and needs.   Unfortunately, that’s not the case.  And, what’s worse in IT, the vendors hit up the customers, so the customers aren’t looking for a black rubber tire swing, they’re looking for the pretty colored seat, and the “cotton-nylon rope.”  (Excuse the reference…..no, I haven’t read it.)  If the customer actually does need something that’s not going to mess up a pretty white dress, there’s ways to express that in terms of requirements that’d end up excluding a filthy used tire.  That’s not to say you spec-out a certain vendor’s product by name, either.

2.  The Engineers design based on the spec.  Unfortunately, that’s not true, especiallly when it comes to IT systems.  Designers have their own personal preferences, sure.  But they also know which vendors pick up the bar tab, hand out neat swag, etc..  Instead of guarding against the sorts of vendor sway that frequently come from “sales engineers,” managers actually encourage these sorts of interactions.

But thinking about my current ending gig, so much effort’s been expended on enhancing something that already exists, without understanding what it’s supposed to do.  To depart from the tire swing, for a moment, I learned to ride a bike on a bike equipped with a vinyl padded bike seat.  Did that mean I couldn’t ride one with a hard plastic seat, or a big banana seat?

To many IT people, yes, yes it does.  Users expect to click Start, then navigate to programs, etc..  Go to a site on the web?  Well, Start, Programs, Netscape, Netscape Navigator, enter the URL in the address bar, and so on.  Maybe there’s now just an icon on the splash screen that gets the user to that site?  Maybe it’s now a fully-integrated web app running directly on the device?

Well, that’s bad news for people who’ve “fostered relationships,” with vendors.  It’s worse for government customers who want their solutions to get more expensive so that their funding stays up.  It’s bad news for the design engineers who spent countless hours, paid tens of thousands of dollars for vendor certifications.

I’m going to stop and STFU, now.  I have job searching to do.  *sigh*

Eh, crap

I know I’ve been ignoring this, but, well, lots of shit going on.

First, shortly after I wrote that last entry, things really went to shit with work. Company missed payroll again, and one of the three people in my office quit because of it….

The office closed down Thursday.

I’m now working in Richmond until I can find another job. Had considered starting a biz w/ my boss, but….have now come to the conclusion that that’s just not a good idea(tm).

Girl and I are still together, over a year now. It’s odd how we work, but we do work. And I really am in love with her. I think I will probably be making some gemological investments soon, as she’s pronounced that she really does want to be my wife…..

And I say again, what the fuck, over?

Getting back up to speed…..

I haven’t written anything, really, since September. There’s lots of reasons for that, but I haven’t really felt like writing. For the most part, my life has been living hell, mainly because of work. The only thing that’s kept me from swallowing a shotgun is that I really have met the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. She’s wonderful in ways I can’t begin to describe. So, to catch up, I guess what I’m going to do is compartmentalize my life into three areas, and go into them sequentially — work, love, everything else.

So, let’s start with work…..I’m just going to use initials, instead of real names or pseudonyms. I have trouble keeping up with the latter, anyway. Excuse the stream-of-consciousness, but I can’t really help it.

I mentioned in my entry on 9/22 that the contract I’d been hired for got cancelled. To me, it wasn’t all that big a deal, because I was already working on these research projects we’d gotten contracts for. The guy (RB) who’d originally been hired to manage the research projects took over my slot on the other contract. No big deal, really, except that he, in essence, got promoted ahead of me, even though I’m more qualified, and is making more money than I am, even though I have just two years fewer experience, but I do have a degree, and he doesn’t.

Who it was a big deal to were the three people who were working on that contract, RB, WB, and BG. Because there were a lot of things to wrap up with the project, they had work until about the end of October. I, meanwhile, was up to my ears in work with the research projects, as well as writing proposals for new projects. In the span of six months, I wrote probably close to 300 pages of technical papers.

I guess that’s probably a good enough excuse for not writing here….

Anyway, things around the office at that time were pretty darn miserable. My boss, thankfully, was out on travel quite a bit, but, the company missed payroll repeatedly, and basic needs weren’t being met. I wrote about my trip to Phoenix back in September — I filed an expense claim for that trip, as well as another short trip, two days after I got back. I’d filed another claim a couple of weeks before I left, most of which was around $300 in priniting costs incurred on behalf of the company president, preparing presentations for a briefing they were going to do. All told, the company owed me close to $800.

After a month of not getting reimbursed, I started getting really pissy about it. I talked to RB about it several times, as well as the office assistant, MK. I kind of snapped at my boss one afternoon, and he called in RB to ask wtf was going on with me….why my attitude was so bad. RB told him about my expense checks….that I’d been working 60 hours a week, and struggling to make my bills, because the company hadn’t paid me. From that point on, my boss has been totally different to me. I really haven’t had a problem with him. Maybe he felt guilty about pukin’ in my car, but I don’t think that’s it, really. I’ve bailed the guy out on a lot of stuff, and I think he finally realizes that. Maybe I’m not the sunniest person around, but I do get the job done, and done well.

In October, too, I interviewed for two jobs. One I could have had, if I’d wanted to take it. The other I bombed the interview. The one I could have had, I ended up not taking for two reasons… One, it would have ended up being about a $10k paycut after I calculated in the costs of my benefits. The salary wasn’t too much different, really, only about $5k less, but they didn’t pay for a lot of things that are included in my current job. The other reason I didn’t take it is because I thought I wouldn’t like the work, and didn’t feel like I could commit to staying in the position for the long-term. One of my friends is part-owner of the company, so I just told him the truth about it. He actually had offered me a job, previously, but the radio station beat the offer. I really regret now, not taking the job. I stayed, partially, also, because I’d been promised a considerable end-of-year bonus from my current job. What I’d been told was that the previous year’s bonuses averaged $10k. I figured, hell, I can stay around through the end of the year, and get the bonus. It can’t be that bad….

But, actually, it is. MK quit the week before Thanksgiving, which really cramped what I was doing with the research papers. While she didn’t contribute a whole lot in the way of content, she was excellent at making sure that my writing explained the concepts, and was easily understandable. When she left, I was really on my own as far as the writing goes — the other people in the company can barely read, much less write.

One of the last things that she did with me was attend a meeting with a large defense contractor. Let’s just say that they’ve built spacecraft, and tons of aircraft. With us in this meeitng was a guy the company president had found who he was wooing to become “Vice President of Business Development.” After the meeting with Defenseco, this guy and I got into it the first time. He used a bullshit buzzword term when talking about our research projects, and when it came dribbling out of his peniswrinkle mouth, my boss visably cringed. (I say penis wrinkle, because this guy looks like a dick. Seriously.) My boss (who, at the time, was the only corporate VP), was also unimpressed. We recommended to the president that they not hire walkingdick. He got hired, anyway.

Walkingdick has proceeded to make lots of people in the companys’ lives hell, focusing on meaningless symbolism bullshit, while earning lots of money, and not actually winning any business. Oh, yes, but he’s “raised the profile of the company,” and “fostered important relationships.” Fuck all that. When your company is failing to make payroll, none of that shit matters. What matters is getting contracts and bringing in revenue.

And I’m stopping for now……more later….

My Connection With Spiraling Terrors

I’ve never been much of a spiritual person, but if there is any kind of shamanistic connection with weather, I’m one with hurricanes.

A hurricane is directly responsible for my spawn. My parents knew each other in high school–they were friends, but little more. The setting is Biloxi, Mississippi, 1969. Hurricane Camille comes ashore. They really haven’t elaborated much on the events following the storm, but my grandfather (mom’s side) had an artesian well. Since there was no power, artesian wells were really important. My mom’s family provided water to many people after the storm came ashore, including my dad’s family. Things kind of took off from there.

In my first two weeks of life, my family was chased from our home in Cocoa Beach, FL due to a hurricane. My parents evacuated back to Biloxi. While in Biloxi, I was baptized. Shortly thereafter, however, we were chased back to Florida by yet another hurricane.

But today, whenever a hurricane is coming, I can feel it with all my being. I’ve mentioned that my joints ache. My sinuses hurt. My pulse races at times, yet I’m amazingly calm otherwise. I’ve mentioned that I get, well, horny. I mean really bad. Other things go on. I just have these feelings. In the past few years, as I’ve dealt with more hurricanes, I’ve learned to rely the sensations I’m getting. I’m inclined to think you folks in Florida are going to get some, but not the brunt of the storm.

I’m feeling that the storm is about four days out from here. Somewhere on the Southern North Carolina coast. This is not at all good. Not good at all. But no matter where it comes ashore, I feel something is going to happen here. I’m not excited about it. But I’ll be on the air keeping people safe, and that makes me feel better about it. We’ve just dealt with Dennis, and soon Floyd. Those of us, the generic announcers, we don’t get a lot of credit for what we do. But I can assure you we care. From this broadcaster, to all of you threatened by Floyd, be safe.

Seagulls Flying Backwards

Yep, you read that correctly. This is what I saw on my drive home.

Well, Dennis the menace is coming ashore. I’m gonna try and keep y’all up to date, but I make no promises. I had a rather harrowing night at work (top and bottom of the hour updates on one station, hourly updates on three others), so I’m gonna sleep soon.

She e-mailed me back……arrgh. She’s still in town, and I’m not really as strong as I’d like to be right now. I really need to resist the temptation to see her.

For those of you who are a little slow on the uptake…if I see her, and she’s not still banging my friend, chances are I’d bang the crap out of her given the opportunity.

Night all.


It’s a stunning realization…….

There are passions in life. For many people, those passions are fulfilled only in spare time, while the business of life continues.

But for a lucky few, the passions can be the root of the business of life.

I’ve wanted to be a disc jockey since I was about eight years old. While everybody else was off watching television, I was listening to the radio. Besides, you can listen to the radio and play video games at the same time.

The first time I opened the microphone at the cheesy high school radio station, my heart was going a thousand beats a second. It’s a feeling which I wonder if I’ll ever match again. I enjoyed doing volunteer work there–learning the ropes. I even didn’t mind spending hours in a ninety degree, closet-sized production studio cutting senseless sweepers.

I had much the same feeling when I got my afternoon drive gig at the local community radio station. Sure, I was playing Michael Bolton and James Taylor (If I could hit them with one round….), but I enjoyed it. I was crestfallen when school forced me to curtail my hours on the air.

And then the station was sold to the Evangelists. My last break on the air there was absolutely the hardest thing I’ve ever done–harder than losing relatives, harder than breaking up with my girlfriend of two years. But I did it. I even sounded okay…….but I started bawling like a baby when I powered the transmitter down that night. I cried the entire way home.

So I bounced around for awhile. A man without direction, basically. When I got the job at the television station, things were a bit better, but the feelings weren’t the same. I like television, but it doesn’t hold the same power as Mr. Marconi’s invention to me. Sure, I was kind of bummed out when I got laid off, but it was nothing like when I had to give up my radio gig.

And then I ran into my current boss…..and got the job. The first time I went on the air here, I had many of the same feelings as I had the very first time. I still get butterflies the first time I flip on the microphone every night.

But this isn’t what really suprises me–the nervousness keeps me sharp anyway. What suprises me is that I’m acutally getting paid to do it. There are people who actually think I’ve got some talent. People tell me I have a wonderful voice, even though I can’t stand to listen to my own air checks.

I really can’t imagine doing anything else with my life now.

Sure, I’m alone most of the time, and my hours suck. Despite all that, I’m happy and amazed right now.

Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Matters

Have you ever read the label of something you ate right after you ate it, and wondered what exactly you ate?

I think I just ate some peanut butter crackers.

What are crackers made of? Last time I checked, you can make crackers with:

Baking Soda

Okay, Peanut Butter? I thought Peanut Butter was made of heavily ground peanuts, like on the Jif commercials.

Now, I’m not gonna go to the trouble to actually count how many ingredients went into this 50 cent pack of crackers, but it’s well over twenty.

“Packed With Preservatives and stuff you’ve never heard of in your life…..Peanut Butter Crackers really satisfy.”

Notes: ——————————————————————–

I needed a good laugh…But peanut butter and crackers sounds really good right now…How much fat did you say wasin those? [Darky] 7/23/1999 11:01:14 PM

Overnight DJ. That’s like, my dream job ! I talk to radio DJ’s all the time on the local stations. They know me by name ! You sound like a guy who has some cool stuff to say. Waiting to hear from ya. [Lost and Lazy] 7/24/1999 9:50:19 PM

Don’t even get me STARTED on Oreos. [Midnight Butterfly] 7/25/1999 3:20:44 AM

I’ve read those ingredients stuff one too many times. [mizu] 7/18/2001 8:49:40 PM