Karen Taught Me In Sixth Grade

I do wonder sometimes how Ms. M., and her “roommate” are doing

(Yes, it’s pretty clear in retrospect that they were lesbians, but that doesn’t matter in the least, now does it?)

But she wouldn’t have been happy about people not wearing masks.

The materialistic nature of so many things lately has me a bit dismayed.

One of the things that’s crossed my mind lately, and I’ve seen it reinforced in some of the things I regularly consume, is that the war on “assault weapons” is the new War On Drugs.

I was living in Suburban DC when Marion Barry got busted for smoking crack in a hotel room.

Given what I was taught in the mandatory DARE classes, I wondered then, as I still wonder now, how did he not die? I mean, if you smoked crack ,you died. Look at Len Bias. Crack. Perhaps the first time, and he died.

Debates on Twitter after seeing this from Ron Bailey over at Reason.

Now that weed’s been “decriminalized” throughout much of the country, we need to find something for the police state assembled to fight it to do. Guns!!1! Those are scary, right? And the ratings spike on MSNBC every time there’s a school shooting!

I get it, Chuck, it’s dangerous, that I don’t trust you and your outfit, exclusively.

On a related note, two things I noticed from “alternate” media.

I need to go watch the Vice bit about the Antifa fucker who died while the police were trying to arrest him. I know, I know, Jerry Nadler says Antifa violence is a myth, but people are really dying because of this.

There is organization going on. People are coordinating to make sure it happens. The question is whether the truth will ever come out about it.

Or, maybe, it’d be easier to pass off things as discredited stories about foreign connections, as “debunked conspiracy theories.”

Were the fine censorial folks at CrowdStrike helping tailor a narrative to prevent even the sympathetic corporate media from looking in to things that’d make the resurrected, and blessed duopoly candidate look better? I don’t know. Does it matter? To the average MSNBC viewer, not in the least.

But when you see things like this, if you don’t take a moment’s pause, that’s your issue.


And eight is great!

Or something.

The story I mentioned briefly has become national news. (Choosing the Miami Herald mainly because that was the first thing that came up when I searched on Bing News.)

I didn’t notice that I wrote much about what I was doing with the Newport News CWA.

There were other things going on in the fall of 2001, of course. I was still working in news radio while juggling a fledgling radio career.

Would I go to law school? Yeah. That was the plain.

After almost diverting on to my whole spiel about how I never really wanted to be a lawyer, but a judge, I ended up in IT.

What I was doing at the CWA was assisting the Victim-Witness program.

What happened here is definitely needs investigation.

Let the justice system work. If the punishments are insufficient, change the laws in Richmond.

You can look at the political recriminations, but those are for after all the criminal proceedings are finished.

That said, the judge who let the guy out of jail was appointed by a certain Virginia Senator, and some blowback should ensue.

But, hey, Keep Virginia Blue! Permanent Democratic plurality rule just as Harry Byrd, et. al., intended.

Other news. Looks like the grandpa in the basement with a major party’s backing might be backing away from his essential promise to pick a “black” woman as his VP candidate.

One of the things that floated across the news stream the past couple of days was that the governor of Michigan. (And writing it that way makes me think of Tecmo Super Bowl, where one of the top quarterbacks was “QB Bills,” because they couldn’t reach an agreement for some of the players or something.) But searching around a bit, yep. Michigan State. She’s not going to be VP, even though she’s, objectively, far superior to the folks who’ve been commonly put forth. But she won’t get it because she’s outside the circles of power, especially Harvard and Yale.

You man to say that you shouldn’t pay $150K for two MAs from a state school? Why do you hate young people?

I get it.

Please, please, please don’t talk about the development of a US Caste system. It, like Antifa, is a myth.

Realization – 8/8/2002

I’ve realized something…..that I’m generally unable to relax in the presence of other people. Gotta figure out a way to work through this one…..

This is still very true. I’ve tried so many things, but I’m still anxious around others.

My wife is the only person I’ve ever met with whom I feel comfortable. I don’t have to act.

*shakes head*

Listening to this might be affecting my thinking right now….


Listening to podcasts, and finding myself questioning a lot of things.

I spent time when I was younger dubbing Sharyl Attkisson‘s reports for the corporate media site where she worked. I thought she was a good reporter who was really doing interesting news.

Some of what she’s been accused of is confusing. If I took the right pill, and hadn’t followed what she’s done….

I started this entry by starting to head to my old-is-new news site to look for headlines, then I remembered seeing and retweeting this on Twitter.

To be perfectly clear — I generally think that prison sentences are too long, and parole should be happening more quickly than it does.

At the same time, this guy got out, then went and killed the woman who’d accused him.

But the priority is on defunding the police, and sending people into poor and minority neighborhoods to take people’s guns.

Also, protests don’t cause COVID-19 outbreaks. That’s the story, and don’t attribute anything to the protests.

Similarly, don’t ever reconsider stories that don’t fit the corporate media narrative about the whole story. Please ignore the stories that show the leaked bodycam video, or show that he was on Fentanyl.

But there’s an official story that was locked-in shortly after all this happened, and that’s forever true. Chuck Todd and MSNBC said so, and it’s dangerous that people don’t take the initial take, and use it as gospel forever.

Please don’t look at Nick Sandmann/Covington Catholic. The settlements might have been for little money, so it makes what the big outlets reported okay, okay?

Facts roll in as time progresses. Sometimes you don’t find out for a long time what was actually going on.

Altered State – 8/7/2000

It might be interesting to take something that would make me feel differently than I do now. Or as of late.

But, now, I’ll try and recreate the entry I did last night, but wouldn’t save because they didn’t do maintainance on the POS micro$oft database.

Okay, so, the dreams I had the other night. There were several, but the most memorable was one involving sex. Now, I don’t dream about sex very often at all. But in this dream, I was trying to get it on with someone whom I’d known in high school (Yah, I don’t know where that came from, but I’m not complaining). We were in the midst of our preparation for the real act, but members of my family kept walking into the room. She and I were quite chagrined by this, so we retreated to my flat, which was interestingly enough, upstairs in the dream.

The dream also was another interesting mix of places I’ve lived. I’m sure it was set downtown where I live now, but buildings from other places were in the neighborhood. Lots and lots of red brick. Also, there was a stark contrast in the environments indoors and outdoors. Indoors, it was hot (her skin was very salty….I can’t seem to remember ever tasting anything before in my dreams, but if it continues, great). Outside, it was cold and rainy. So figure that one out, because I’m beyond stumped. But I think the dream, on the whole, is about my desire for privacy….that my flat is my little slice of privacy where my desires are uninterrupted? Maybe?

Redacted is back in town….we’re supposed to hang out with her on Tuesday night. Yay. Been thinking about the ex lately, for what reason I don’t know. I’m so tempted to call her. But I found one of her necklaces in my room at my parents’ house. I’m wondering how I should get it back to her. I’m thinking of writing her a letter. Any suggestions?

Two things on this.

  1. Part of the reason I sought professional help was that I was having very vivid, sometimes disturbing, dreams. I think some of it might have been attributable to a medication I was taking that cause me to sleep deeply. Some of the more vivid dreams have stopped, but I still have some doozies, and have for a long time. See the entry.
  2. I have no clue who the name I redacted was. I think I know, but I’m not sure. *shrug*

Maybe I’d be better off not paying attention to pretty much anything, ever.

I can’t do that.

Against the Patriarchy

As I’m listening to podcasts today, I was roaming around the Intertubes looking for places I could buy products advertised on the various podcasts I routinely consume.

I’ve taken a committed stance against what is perhaps the most-prominent support site for various content creators..

They exercise control over content they don’t like.

*fires up Bing News, because F the company that didn’t-used-to-be-evil*

Ah. That was tough. I’m no fan of Owen Benjamin, but they shouldn’t be withholding money from him.

And they’re having to stop.


He has a right to earn a living, even if some of his personal choices aren’t the ones I would make. Moreover, his kids shouldn’t be destitute because he believes the wrong things. Same goes for Gavin McInnes. Or even Alex Jones.

Just No

Well, today’s been spent trying to figure out how to pay my protection racket to a professional organization that shall remain nameless.

At least the guys in the fancy suits actually provide something worthwhile.

And the restaurant suggestions they give generally turn out to be worhtwhile.

I’m also having major reflections on the NFL after seeing what the post-Awokening mob have done to the Redskins, and seeing this on Twitter this morning.

Can I support a league that is so closely tied to the company that employs him as a spokesman? Should I?

This line of thinking was certainly feeding in to my back-and-forth with Robbie “The Fire”. on Twitter yesterday:

He’d been talking about starting a corporation, the “F You Corporation,” that sells things apart from the woke mob.

But I’ve been quietly doing that sort of thing, on my own, for years. I used to not need to advertise it.

Can I say, “no,” to Nike, and the NFL?

Yeah, I actually probably can.

Would it make a difference?

I have no idea.

But I can leave, and live my life as I choose.

(And, see, this is where I start in to the whole bit about how if you disagree, well, shoot me, because I don’t deserve to live if me living is not up to your standards….)

Some people, about whom I care, might be disappointed, and that’s something I have to weigh.

But, regardless, at this point, there’s absolutely no way I’ll purchase a single thing from Nike if they continue to employ CK.

If someone asks me why, I’ll explain.

Otherwise, it’s for me to know, and just walk away. (And take my dollars with me.)

A Question

Where did the Non-aggression principle touch you?

Listening to this right now, after seeing a friend on the cesspool that is Facebook blame everything that’s bad in the world on libertarianism.


You can go through life without forcing people to live you in the way others deem appropriate.

Sure, this is very much influenced by things I read when I was shivering in my one bedroom apartment near Newport News Shipbuilding.

I think I actually didn’t have a TV much of the time I lived there.

But I think that was where I read How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World. (Apologies for the Amazon link; it was something that came up easily in my didn’t-used-to-be-evil branded browser.)

But it brings me to my point. I’m going out of my way to avoid giving them any of my money. Same goes, now, for FedEx, and Nike, based on what they’re doing to the Redskins.

You are allowed to make your own choices. There’s nothing wrong with that. Believing that, also, isn’t a problem.

But you might not make the right choices!!1!


Since I might choose to make decisions you don’t like gives you the right to have me killed?

Got it.

This is where I’d normally start talking about how I’m a bad person for drilling down the political ideology to its base level.

But, no, I’m not.

If you don’t want to associate with me because of my choice not to force you to behave in the methods I view as appropriate. Well, okay. Come at me, bro.

On second thought, don’t. Leave me alone, even if it bothers the shit out of you.

Fighting All The Time

I am about writing. Given that it’s Saturday, I’m not going to fight it today.

The big news this week is that the Democratically-controlled house want to admit the 90%+ Democratic city of DC into the union as a state. Two more party votes in the Senate, so it has to happen.


No, it’s a Federal district. It’s not a state.

I would say that if “taxation without representation” is just an issue, let the wards with land borders join the adjacent localities.

So the richest parts of the city can be part of the gem of local governance that is Montgomery County (I say that because it seems like every time you see a stupid local ordinance on the news, if it’s not out of Florida, it’s out of “MoCo.”), while the other parts can join Prince George’s County.

The DC bars and restaurants would have a great time with MoCo’s stupid liquor controls. Then, what of the bars where you can smoke inside?

Speaking of smoking, perhaps it’s due to a few things I’ve watched lately, but I’ve been really craving a glass of Scotch with a cigar.

Like it’s 1999 again. I think that was reinforced by forcing myself to watch The Matrix again. I think a lot of that might have stemmed from seeing the FCC chair put up a red/blue pill reference on Twitter.

The movie isn’t better with age.

But I think it does speak to what’s going on with politics.

There’s many different views.

And that’s a problem.

It’s incredible listening to various people wedded to the red/blue dichotomy in the corporate press.

My frustration is further exacerbated by listening to various MS podcasts, where there’s a very firm push to “take the blue pill.”

And this is where I’d normally take off on my I’m-a-bad-person-because-I-choose-to-reject-a-binary-world.

Part of it, too, may have been from listening to this the other day. I’d listened to the guest’s interview with Thaddeus Russell. Russell was talking about his incredible interview with his interview with Hotep Jesus. He talked about the all-or-nothing attitude with many of these radical movements who’ve been able to rebrand themselves as of late.

No. Some of this shit is just incredibly nuts.

You can actually take pieces of the whole, and come to something for yourself.

You don’t have to swallow one of two pills.

That’s tough for some people to understand.

And, no, it doesn’t make me a horrible person that I refuse to play the binary game.

I’d forgotten what I wanted to write about here, but I do remember, now.

It does speak a bit to the blue-versus-red pill argument, however.

I was listening to a podcast where Dr. Jorgensen discussed what she’d do with the FDA.

“We had about 60 American companies making testing kits and the FDA only approved two,” she said in the final Libertarian Party debate. “What the president should have done was use the Emergency Powers Act and say, ‘FDA, you only have to prove safety, not efficacy. Get these kits out there.’”


The MS “disease modifying therapy” I’m on could hardly be considered “safe.”

One possible side effect of taking TYSABRI is progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). PML is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability. Currently, there is no known treatment, prevention, or cure for PML.

Tysabri site

Obviously, that’s concerning. What would I get during a not-as-good-as-even-Medicaid-for-all system?


The IV steroids are “safe.” For the most part. They’re also cheap.

And there I go again not accepting all of one answer, which, of course, makes me a bad person.


Resistance Is Futile

I did manage not to write last week, so there’s that.

I’m taking a break from my oh-so-fascinating protection for a bogus IT certification racket.

I’m listening to The Fifth Column taking a break from barely-functional labs.

Woohoo. I know how to fire up Wireshark on a Win10 VM!!1!

Getting the promised gift to TFC is proving more difficult than I originally thought. Virginia’s screwed-up liquor laws don’t help.

But I’m stumbling along as well as could be expected.

All that said, I am exhausted. Perhaps that’s due to expiration of my Tysabri does,. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that I’ve had odd sleep patterns the past week or so.

I did run the Jitsi meeting last night. I’d never done that before for the HR Geeks folks last night. The only other meeting I’d ever done was talking to my mom on Mothers’ Day.

The webcam I’d ordered in mid-April for these meets finally showed up earlier this week, too. Enjoy the quarantine at the Port of Los Angeles.

Maybe I’ll remember later exactly what I meant to write about.

It’s Saturday

So what do I do? I write. Just like every day in November.

I’ve been trying to absorb the stuff going on nationwide the past couple of nights.

There’s a fascinating understory going on; maybe the destructive protests haven’t been locals.

NBC reported this, but it doesn’t fit Chuck Todd’s narrative that everything that’s bad in the world is the result of the guy in the Oval Office, so whatever the AG said is, um, unsupported.

If only there was someone with a reporting staff who could dig in, and find out whether it’s true.

Hitting The Point

But missing the bigger picture.

Like a single pixel on something spit out by a dot matrix printer. If you focus in on the one point, you can see it, but miss the larger message that you could see just be zooming out a bit. Saw this this morning about a place where I used to work. Well, I worked as a contractor for them, because they, along with the effort to get rid of old people, didn’t want to hire anybody full-time.

What the company there did, and what several other companies are doing, is just hiring contractors. No benefits to pay. No paid time off. The Winter holidays are coming up? Enjoy working less, and making less money.

At least the last place I worked that did that paid Federal holidays. Well, most of them.