We've Offended the Frenchy French

Thanks to Glenn Beck for the nickname. Unfortunately, the accent doesn’t translate to text….
Anyway, we’ve pissed off the Frenchy French, the Germans, the Canadians, and the Russians because their companies won’t be allowed to bid on contracts to rebuild Iraq.
Excuse me?
Look, here’s the deal, and I’ll spell it out for each country…..
France: Take Jerry Lewis, and I don’t think anyone would be particularly upset if we never heard from you again. It’s a moot point for you really — is there anything actually made in france anymore, other than food and wine?
Germany: Like your Communist Chancellor now? Couldn’t wait to stick it to Helmutt, but things have been downhill since he left.
Russia: Hey, guys, we know Saddam owed you money. But you could have helped out some. Dubya might change his mind here, because Vladimir has records of his wild youth from the KGB archives.
Canada: You notice how quickly the US Army sliced through Iraq? STFU, or you’re next.
Here’s the deal. The companies from the countries in the “Coalition of the willing” funded the Iraq invasion via taxes they paid. They ought to reap the benefits that are appearing now. It’s as simple as that.

Users are Lusers

Found this gem on F’d Company. While I understand that users are prone to do stupid things to their machines, there comes a time where you cease making policy for a reason, and start making policy to show that those penis-enlargment pills you ordered from your spam are working.
Besides, guys who sign their emails “MSCE” aren’t worth the ammo it’d take to kill them. Talking in #757, I think there should be a new set of letters those of who are cert-less and proud should use. Only thing that’s required (and this isn’t required for getting an MSCE) is having a clue. I present….
Non-Certified Systems Engineer.
At least we won’t try and poison your network with whatever new security risk MS has released this week. *cough*AD*cough.

Words of wisdom

[panzer] I’m a firm believer in the-best-tool-for-the-job and
[panzer] time to blog
[tim] dont blog blindly
[tim] know the technology behind the gui
Supposedly it’s snowing outside — I don’t see it. Or, rather, it’s not snowing here.
I have to go to work today on my day off. It’s going to be teh suck. I went in last night, got my normal shit done (with much screaming because other people can’t do, or refuse to do their jobs, and have the nerve to call and let me know that they aren’t going to do their jobs), fucked with this new server a bit. Couldn’t get much done on it, because they’d set a root password at the factory and neglected to tell me WTF it is.
More fun than work, however, was what I did last night, helping Ethan and //c fuck around with the laser. Results here. Burning shit is cool.
Imma go play dod now, then go to work.

What I’m doing

Essentially, I’m setting it up so I can use movable type on users, and cross-post all of those entries over to livejournal. Only problem I see so far is that the comments are posted two different places. Hmmph.
Speaking of which….if anyone needs an LJ code, or wants to do this, let me know.

What I'm doing

Essentially, I’m setting it up so I can use movable type on users, and cross-post all of those entries over to livejournal. Only problem I see so far is that the comments are posted two different places. Hmmph.
Speaking of which….if anyone needs an LJ code, or wants to do this, let me know.