
George H.W. Bush nicknamed Clinton and Gore “Ozone and Bozo.” I think I’ve figured out the nicknames for Kerry and Edwards.
“Botox and Blow-dry.”
I’m not quite sure what to make of this choice. Yes, of course, it was expected. Edwards is kind of interesting. He’s got that nice southern drawl and shining smile. And he spews class warfare and makes people feel good about it.
Oh well, he’s another nice big target for the Republicans to skewer. Cheney is a tough nut to crack for the Democrats, because the Halliburton stuff was either a) after he left, or b) just rumor an innuendo. Bush is an easier target.
It doesn’t change where I am, really. If Kerry had selected a sane Democrat, Vilsack would have been a good choice, it would have tempered my thoughts about him a bit, perhaps. I’m still kind of in the mode where Bush is still the best choice of an absolutely horrid field of candidates. If I do vote, it will be reluctantly for Bush.

One thought on “Hmm”

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