Apples to Apples

Investor’s Business Daily has an article comparing Bush’s first term with Clinton’s first term.
Even with 9/11 (the excuse for Republican misstep), economically, Bush was better.
The economy doesn’t suck, y’all. Va. reported the other day the highest number of jobs ever. The Democrats don’t necessarily do a better job with the economy. The tax cuts did help things. But really, any government effects on the economy are the responsibility of the Fed. There’s not much the president and congress can do, despite their protestations otherwise.
I do still take issue with the enormous budget deficits run up by the Republicans. Shuttup about 9/11. I understand that the Homeland Security reorganization is expensive. But it doesn’t account for the other wasteful spending that’s occurred. Funding old men’s Viagra doesn’t have a thing to do with national security or fighting terrorism. Neither does a 50% increase in Federal education spending; that number should be zero — the feds shouldn’t be involved in education.