July is coming to an end; about damn time.
So, prompts….
1. Do you believe in soul mates? If so, do you believe we each have just one soul mate?
Yes, and yes. I’ve found mine. How that happened, I still don’t know. We’re a team. I don’t know how much of this stuff I could have done without her.
2. What would you do if you could live a day without consequences?
I got a response to this one on where I’m keeping my personal stuff. I agreed with the sentiments, then, After a bit more selection, though, even fun excess has consequences for me these days. One of the networks in promoting a new show where this woman is in what’s supposed to be heaven. She’s amped that she can drink as much wine as she wants without a hangover the next day. Yes, but there’d still be puking day-of. Maybe you don’t feel like a sewer the day after, but you can still abuse yourself to the point where it’s not fun anymore. What can I do for a day without discomfort of some kind? That’s tough to answer with my condition; consequences come a lot faster than they do for healthy folks.
I don’t know what more to say, really. I really need my next infusion; I’m really at the end of my rope today. Pffft. Friday, when I get my next infusion, can’t come soon enough.
And that brings me to my bit for tomorrow: What can you not do today, that you really enjoyed when you were younger?
On a completely unrelated note, it’s storming like crazy right now. This is after some rather large storms this morning.