
Today’s prompt:

Bake or try a new recipe today.

No, I can’t do this. I don’t have the time, and the kitchen really isn’t my domain anymore. I can cook steaks (yes, I can do them on the stove in a skillet….nearly perfectly), or reheat leftovers in the oven.

But even before, I was never terribly skilled at baking. While I was pretty adept at Chemistry in school, as far as doing it at home, it’s been tough. Last year, my brother, his brother-in-law, and father-in-law were putting together some beer. I think I sampled some, and it turned out pretty good.

I don’t know if I could do that. We’ve got a garage now, but i’m not sure if I have the patience, really.

*gets sidetracked, and wonders if he wrote about the horrible-looking cake he made for his then-fiancee years ago*

Nope. Nothing.

Maybe I was too embarrassed to even write about it. At least it did taste good.

We’ll see what tomorrow’s challenge is. Maybe it’ll be something I can feel halfway okay about saying I completed.

Jitsi chat for HRGeeks tonight, per yesterday’s entry.