Four-twenty. So blaze up if you’re in a place where that’s legal, and the cops won’t shoot you in your sleep. Yes, this was a find from Michael Malice I heard on a radio show today.
Today’s challenge? Play cards. Uh, I’m not sure I have a deck of cards. If I do have one, who knows where it is.
Hmm. Is there an EMACS Solitaire game? Yep. M-x solitaire. Yeah, no idea how to work this.
And you might ask yourself, “how di I work this?”
Yes, they were re-running the David Byrne performance on Saturday Night Live this past weekend.
(And if you’ve got GNU EMACS installed, it’s M-x solitaire)
Good session this morning with my therapist. She wanted me to look at I did have one of the sorts of dreams I started seeing her for. Oddest thing. I think it might have been related to an email response I was putting together to a friend that really hit on how out-of-place I feel sometimes when I’m in among the affluent in DC. She sent me this, but I’m having trouble seeing how it really fits.
Part of the discussion, too, was about my near automatic rejection of authoritarianism. The various governors’ stay-at-home orders give me more than a moment’s pause.
And that makes me a bad person. Or dangerous if you’re Chuck Todd.