
Veterans’ Day

Thankfully, there’s been very little coming into today about remember-the-fallen heading into today. Veterans’ Day is for everybody who served. Memorial Day is for those who died in service of the country.

Michael Malice had a tweet about how all of the World War I veterans in Pennsylvania were voting for Biden to protest the president’s purported comments about the World War I veterans.

(For those scratching their heads, the last US WWI vet died in something like 2011, and the last one in the entire world a couple of years later….so dead people voting for Biden.)

I guess the big takeaway I have is that since 2001, it’s been a state of constant war. The troops never really come home these days.

You get into the discussions of whether that’s intentional; I don’t know. I do know that when my dad was deployed (Army 73-97), it wasn’t any of these situations where you have endless rotating deployments.

Bring them home. Now.

There’s nothing more that will be accomplished.

Bring them home. Now.

So. News. One of the big stories, locally, has been about this former bishop/cardinal/whatever.

What he’s purported to have done sounds horrible. The Church didn’t do the right thing in covering it up. For the allegations that occurred on Church property, the Church’s law reigns. For things that happened in place’s under another jurisdiction’s control, the Church should have eagerly aided in extradition/prosecution.

It’s not that difficult to figure out.

I do hold colleges and universities to a different standard, however. With the exception of completely privately-held schools, they are subject to the jurisdiction of wherever their campus is.

If someone is raped in a dormresidence hall (my indoctrination at my alma mater is still fresh, more than two decades later) , the local authorities should investigate (and prosecute) whatever crimes occurred. This doesn’t fall to the star chamber of a university judicial system, no matter what the US Department of Education says.

I’m stopping there. Bring the troops home. Now.