The last entry was, again, something I’d been asked to answer. Done and done.
One of the questions was about whether I enjoy doing surveys. Occasionally? But as I’ve gotten older, and written things down, they do provided some insight into what my frame of mind was at the time I took the survey.
Some answers remain true. Several, actually.
But I don’t persist with most things. Reaching back, though, I can see some of the things that might have attracted my attention initially.
But things change.
I’m not sure where I was going with all of these thoughts.
Top story on Hacker News was about the NeXT World Wide Web browser. Of interest to me, but I’d imagine it’d be completely irrelevant these days.
Even in the early days of Mac OS X, you’d end up using a browser in an emulation mode just to see pages display somewhat-properly.
But I can’t imagine what an exercise in futility trying to browse the web on the Classic MacOS version Netscape Navigator.
That brings me to another story that was affecting the local news here inside the Beltway.
My esteemed alma mater now has an alumnus more famous than XKCD.
The guy who killed a police officer at the US Capitol graduated from CNU. But just like the folks on January 6th, they were all white supremacist’s, right?
Oh. He was a black guy, member of NOI.
Moving along. Nothing to see here.
And I’m getting distracted, so I’m going to stop writing for now.