Going nuts trying to get little projects finished here, there, everywhere. What’s suffered? My writing. That said, I feel more productive lately than I’ve been in a long time, in spite of being quite lazy this past weekend.
I’m not sure who she is, but she describes things I have trouble articulating pretty well. The odd thing about that description is that I haven’t felt well in so long, it’s difficult to classify exactly how I feel on a given day. Some days are worse than others, certainly, but I think the last time I felt really normal would have been probably 1997. Obviously, I’ve accomplished a lot since then, but…..
Enough with that. As the title says, it feels like Tuesday. I know it’s Wednesday, but the Monday holiday screws things up a bit.
Tracking back to Jesio’s IYRTP column on AltDaily…..
My comment is at the bottom. I think there’s reckoning going on in the “journalism” racket. It starts with higher education, something they have been blissfully ignorant of for years. Suppression of unpopular ideas on campus is nothing new; it’s only a story when it starts happening to the people who are supposed to be the watchmen get the axe — the same people who’ve been hesitant to do the job they claim to do, all the while obscuring where they get their livelihoods. Think “Green Week” on NBC when GE owned it. So, what’s a consumer to do? Get information from many different sources, accept that every single one is biased, and reach your own conclusions.
I drive people nuts when I say things like that, I know. I’m biased, you’re biased, everyone has preferences and biases. The work I do these requires objectivity — part of what I have to do is try to set aside my preconceived notions, and accept whatever the numbers tell me. It ain’t easy sometimes to set aside those biases, and it’s important to put them out there at the start, but……
A realtor always thinks it’s a good time to buy a new home.
Your barber thinks you need a haircut.
Your dentist thinks you could use a full cleaning.
And so on…..