
I had this set aside for free writing. I guess I’ll stick to that, even though I don’t really feel up to it.

Again, there’s a lot of the just doing something to do it that goes into this at some point.

Things seem to be trying to slide back to things that didn’t work in 2021 to fight the pandemic.

That attempt is over. Your prescription didn’t work; you failed. Move onto something different.

It’s not a problem to admit that your solution didn’t work. It’s almost like not having the right solution is, you know, part of following THE SCIENCE.

With that, too, I think people are getting too bound up in levels of evidence, even when they don’t understand burdens of proof.

There’s certainly a preponderance of the evidence, if not clear and convincing evidence, that this is directly attributable to things that were happening at the lab in Wuhan.

How do you get “justice” for that?

Not by making two year-olds wear masks, and avoid human contact for another year.

No. You just reach agreement with other countries harmed by the mistake, and stop paying sovereign depts.

Think of it as reverse reparations. The Federal Republic of Germany didn’t finish paying its World War I debts until something like 2010.

No, this has been paid. We’re square. We don’t owe you anything for all you lent prior to the virus, and what we spent dealing with the virus you caused, and you don’t owe us anything for the trillions of dollars in damage, and millions of lives lost.
