
Can see the end of the road on this stretch now.

No prompt for today, however. I hadn’t put on in, so I’m just going to go with whatever’s on my mind.

  1. Incredibly excited about seeing Robbie “The Fire” Bernstein, Dave Smith, and Chris from BKLYN in DC tomorrow night. Chris’s addition was unexpected; heard it listening to Dave and Robbie on “Part of the Problem” earlier in the week. Even when I was young and healthy, I rarely got excited about much. I am very excited about this one. I’m taking part of the day off on Monday to give me some time to recover.
  2. Similar to the first point, I’m excited to go to NYC to see the Soho Forum Debate in October. There was quite a bit of discussion this week about the app. This morning, I’ve been researching the very-fascist Key To NYC passport for the vaccine. The mayor was pretty emphatic that there’s no location tracking, etc.. I went over and have looked at some of the technical details. I’m a little more comfortable with it, but I’m still not going to install it on my personal phone. I’m still looking hard at buying a “burner” phone, Baltimore-style, for the trip. Just get things as far away from prying eyes as possible. But when I’m there, with the exception of the debate, itself, where they said that the venue is forcing it, if I’m asked to show my papers, I will politely wish a nice day, and leave. No, I’m not showing you anything to buy your products. Sorry. And that’s something where the restaurants just choose not to participate, they can have my business. If all of them take a similar tack, they’ll immediately hurt their waitstaff. If you’re intentionally narrowing your clientele, that’s something your waitstaff should know. Following that, you hurt their bottom line by buying from the delivery apps. You Can Leave
  3. I only watched parts of the Hall Of Fame game. I’m still trying to figure out the fantasy league. If you’re interested, let me know. @757sean on Twitter, or

And that’s about it for now. Enjoying this.