
Virginia Election reax

Of course, what happened in the Virginia election yesterday has been all over the worldwide media. Results (from AP).

What’s happened here in Virginia over the past, really, twenty years is an example of out-of-state newcomers really changing what the guidance and goals are.

Obviously, my wife, and my entry into the DC area is partially a result of it.

But there’s really few things worthwhile here anymore.

So it’s time to leave soon. Oh well. It’s not like I have any particular affinity for NOVA.

I was really thinking about leaving Virginia, actually. Yesterday’s results might cut down on the urgency on that. The craziness is resolved, somewhat, at the state level. Next year, I expect the Republicans to take back the US Congress.

But will it really matter? What will happen during the lame duck session of Congress between election day next November, and the time the new Congress is sworn in in January 2023? I don’t know.

The Machiavellian instinct I have says that all of the worst things that were in the stalled portions of the “Infrastructure” bills in Congress right now. But I do think some of the senators not in completely off-the-rails states will think twice about ramming things through, even those who’ve lost their reelection bids.

Maybe the blow will be lessened somewhat in Virginia, but that requires more faith than I have.

Another big take-away? Both the Clinton and Trump political machines are completely destroyed now. Youngkin won keeping Trumps at more than an arm’s length (and given Younkin’s college basketball background, that’s pretty far) McAuliffe was Bill Clinton’s DNC point-man, and he ran interference for Hillary. The country’s moved on.

If that means that Trump was the last of four-consecutive Boomer presidents, good riddance. (Biden is “Silent” Generation; Kennedy does a segment on her Fox Business show about which is older X or Joe Biden?)

It appears that the Republicans also took back the House of Delegates, swinging from a five-seat deficit to a fifteen-seat advantage. Yikes.

But I guess we’ll see what more shakes out in the next few days. I was up way too late watching results, so I’m going to slink off to take a nap.