
Flashback twenty years ago this day. If memory serves, I was really trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my wife. I’d graduated college, was wondering if this radio thing would ever pan out, or if there was something else I should go do while I tried to get into law school.

What to do when you’re bored

Me? Oh, I drove six hours one-way to watch a 45 minute football practice, then drove home. 😀

Went up to Carlisle to see Redskins training camp. It was really fucking surreal to be back in Carlisle. I guess seven years is a long time, but….

It might be that already, everything from that year is sort of a blur. You go someplace for just one year, and things don’t seem to fit together after awhile.

Biggest thing I’ll remember about Carlisle is my waist size. Ain’t gettin’ into those pants anytime soon….

My hip seriously hurts after the trip.

The RedskinsCommanders haven’t had camp at Dickenson College probably since I wrote that..

The complex at Dickenson was a neat little place.

As for fitting into my pants from 1994, I probably could have not terribly long after I was finally diagnosed with MS. Today? Notsomuch.

I think my wife and I did come across something from a similar vintage at my mom’s house. Those did fit, but there was no way in hell that’d I’ve consider wearing them.

Yes. They were Jorts. White ones. 1994 did was a thing.

Last night was an adventure with Intertubes was frustrating. But everything is good now, I think.

Looking at the news, there’s nothing that’s really taking my interest. Olivia Newtown-John died. Something Kardashians, Pete Davidson. Yeah, I can’t bring myself to really care.

I should put together a gift list. I kind of do want one of these.

I did stumble across this tweet that sort of fascinated me:

Chicago School

Completely different way of thinking about things.

I should go get some food. More tomorrow.