More Less Moose Than Ever

My wife is throwing in some comments here and there as I’m watching.

Watching this right now.

Again, I go back to my thoughts of the past few days.

Government is not going to fix anything.

I understand, and somewhat appreciate, actually, what he’s saying.

He touches on the not-criminalizing-civil-disputes stipulation, but that’s what fucking happens every single time you get government involved.

Worry about “over-criminalizing” things.

What happens when you criminalize anything?

Men with guns. Ultimately that’s what you’ve done when you go to the government to solve an issue.

You stuck the bad sections about “downloading and copyrighting.” Okay? How the hell does anything work if you’ve outlawed those?

Burn this book

Yeah, and if someone can use tools to recite the ideas on to paper, it’s back.

And what does government do, then? They kill people.

I appreciate his role as an attorney, certainly, but I don’t think there’s any benefit to enacting more spaghetti treaties, laws, and regulations.

Do something straightforward to address a particular problem.

Everything should be temporal. Do something to address a particular issue for a limited period of time. If the limited term doesn’t resolve what the remedy attempted to fix, renew it. If it didn’t fix it, pass something different. If the problem went away on its own, great; move on.

Cato, an organization to which I donate, regularly talks about the Wilson Era Jones Act.

Why is that law still in effect?

Move on.

He also talked about signatories just ignoring parts of a ratified treaty, even after attempting to have problematic sections removed, just ignore the parts that don’t fit.

I’m shocked. Shocked. It’s almost as if treaties, being figments of government, don’t work.

Happy to hear his opposition to RealID.

Kind of speaks to where I push back agains the zOMG CBDC!!1! crowd.

Even in the most-authoritarian places, people exchange with each other. There’s trade among the Norks. There[s trade inside the most brutal prisons. People trade with each other; it’s what we do as humans. Yes, you can have my eggs. I don’t like eggs. Even if you don[t have anything to offer me immediately, you can have them. Maybe you’ll help me with something in the future. If not, so what; I wasn’t going to eat them, anyway.

Government can’t stop exchange…short of doing one of the things it does well — kill people.