Three (7/23)

I peeked around my unfinished/unsaved entries.

I’d started this one, with the working title of “You Will Fix This“:

The title could be my general message on several things the past few days.

The things I’m not capable of doing outnumber the ones that I am capable of doing at this point.

As I said, it involved several things. I think one of them I’m still working, but my tone is the same.

I’m sure there’s been times where I was more than a little discourteous since I was diagnosed with MS, but I’ve never set out to, and have never intentiionally screwed anyone over. I can look at my ugly face in the mirror, and be okay with what I’ve done.

I really don’t need to be too reflective in thse, and really ought to find some other things to write about.

*checks 7/23/1999*

Yep. I wrote then. It’s not on full-display for myriad reasons.

From this day in 2001:

So Maybe I’ve Missed Something….
….but I’m not quite sure what that might be. I haven’t figured out if I got a signal. Kiss me, maybe?

Art Bell is still not back. It’s driving me nuts.

Anyway, now I’m racking my brains, trying to figure out what other people are seeing that maybe I’m not. I believe that’s “Bull in a China Shop,” syndrome. Or like when you’ve got spinich in your teeth. Something like that. But I’m just guessing here, because I really can’t remember. And yes, I do want to remember.

It also shows that maybe I’m right with what I said earlier, that I’m consumed by other things. “Oh, it’ll happen when you’re not looking.” But is it happening and I’m just not paying attention at all? I don’t think so.

Reflective even back then. Perhaps overly-so.

My overall conclusion, though, was correct, I suppose. Half a decade later, I was newly-involved with the woman who I’m still with.

Don’t think about how she was fifteen when you wrote that.

Don’t think about how she was fifteen when you wrote that.

Don’t think about how she was fifteen when you wrote that.
