Eleven (7/31)


Obviously, a lot of what I’ve been doing this month has been freewriting.

It’s fine. Sticking to a schedule is a big part of why I do this. What am I supposed to be doing? Oh yeah. That. But first I should write to keep the streak going.

Do this. Don’t do that.

It kind of fits with a lot of where I am on things like the benefits of religion, even if you’re not a believer. (And I am, but I’m really bad about taking my own advice…..I kinda am a shut-in courtesy my health…)

But I really have a reflexive negative reaction to public policy based on faith.

Kind of there with people who view the weather as an existential crisis.

That graphic won’t get a lot of play from politicians.

Credit to Human Progress on that.

Things are getting better. But that doesn’t do a lot to keep the small number of us watching nightly and cable news afraid.

I’m so sick of it all.

Maybe my perspective is influenced by the MS diagnosis? I reached the conclusion long ago that, yeah, I have MS. It’s probably not going to kill me; I’m probably gonna die of cardiovascular disease or cancer. Just like everybody else.

I suppose, however, that sort of thinking speaks to some of my attitude about so many things.

I’m past the halfway point in life, so…whatever.