Five (7/25)

Things, while settling some, are still in a tizzy at work.

Appropriately, aampling from a previous NoJoMo:

Describe a typical day for you at work. You can go total Peter Gibbons on this one.

I send a good morning email to my bosses letting them know I’m working.

I check in on the agency’s reporting site.

I check the systems connected to what I’m running.

I clean up email after making sure everything is okay.

Then, depending on the day, I start in on my panoply of meetings. Generally, two nights per week, I do preventative maintenance on systems. That typically takes about 90 minutes.

Not terribly fascinating, but it’s kind of my routine.

With telemedicine, I often have medical appointments here and there.

Not very interesting.

So. What else? Things seem to be kinda calm, though I’m in a bit of an information void with the changes to work.

I’m tired, now hitting that five-week mark since the last Tysabri infusion.

Generally, when I’m not on a call, I’m listening to either a podcast, or news.

My mental health might be better if I cut some of it out.

But it’s kind of what I’ve done my entire adult life.