Sixteen (8/5)

So much sleep. Finally.

I had led that with a four-letter initialism that contained a profanity I’m trying to cut out. *deleted*

No, I’m not offended by the naughty language.

But keeping a clean vocabulary helps with other things.

Don’t bite my nails. Don say #$@ethan

Both require similar levels of discipline.

~Make up a good excuse for missing a deadline at work.

As I’m writing on a Saturday afternoon after doing several hours of work to try to complete stuff that I’d promised months ago, but wasn’t able to finish due to other obligations…..

I am so exhausted. After odd sleep last night, I ended up finally falling back to sleep, and ended up asleep until like 1100.

This week portends to be similarly-busy. I’m hoping that the Tuesday injection doesn’t mess me up as bad as the one this week did.

Time to do fantasy league setup….pfft