What Are You Looking Forwards To Next Year?

I think I might have had a thought about something that’d sparked my interest when I was trying to come next year.

I’m not really sure, to be perfectly honest. I’m kind of luxating in the fact that something I was worried was going to disrupt my holiday plans.

As I’ve said, I’m looking forward to attending the final Shmoocon. If I can get tickets.

Am I looking forward to the change in Administration in DC at the end of January? Mmmm….

Well, I didn’t vote for him, because I have serious questions about how things are going to work with the incredible Federal debt, and looming Social Security problems.

Things like Elon Musk’s tweetpost should inspire excitement, but it’s just not there.

I just can’t find the optimism Elon has. I still think things are about to get really, really, really bad, and it’s not primarily because of something the US has done; sorry Libertarian Institute folks.

So. What else might be interesting? I don’t know. There’s some interesting teams in the NFL, though there’s a disgusting uniformity among many of the teams. It’s nice to see that what Sean Payton’s doing in Denver looks to be finally catching on, but there’s so much else that’s just dull “West Coast Offense”/Cover-2 zone defense.

I am somewhat excited by the potential of some of what I’m doing work-wise, though I am a bit worried that what I’ve been tasked with might be overcome by events.

On the health side, I’m curious to see what’s going on with my health, but I don’t think I’m going to have any real answers until the middle of the summer.

I guess we’ll see. But it does feel like a long way off.