
No, I’m not feeling that lousy, but my legs really aren’t working well. Switching out heavier laptop bag for smaller Shmoo bag helped, but I was still pretty exhausted with just what I did tonight.

Trying to decide if I want to come back for the final bits of Shmoocon tomorrow.

*checks schedule*

Yeah, I’m gonna go home. There’s not anything I think I’d miss if I wasn’t here in person. Nobody needs to see the staggering guy in an NPC mask. Hardly anybody recognized me, anyway. I don’t think there’d be anything I can really get.

So, in-person chapter closed. I’m happy I’ve done this so many times. A little bit of regret that I lost the inspiration to give a talk, but I’ll probably just sneak off by myself again. I don’t know that I actually attended many of the early ones; I had to get back to Norfolk for my Sunday Night airshaft.

Alcohol was largely eschewed early on, too.

I don’t know that I’ve seen anything very exciting, however. As my health has failed, and my work has gotten farther and farther away from the nuts and bolt, I’ve lost familiarity with the awesome haxxor tools.

I actually was describing something to a INFORMATION SECURITY PROFESSIONAL about reading raw wire data on something that’s going to generate a bunch of network traffic.

Go watch the stuff in … and I stopped myself from saying Ethereal in favor of Wireshark. You’ve done that, right? Uh, yeah, but not in a long time.

Yeah, me either. But it shouldn’t be anything very foreign. You make a suggestion that you know is going to cause a ton of network traffic…turn on Wireshark and watch for a few minutes when you do it to see if things blow up.

Not rocket surgery.

*distacted for a bit with a problem*

Yeah, I’m going home in the morning.

I will miss Shmoocon. Maybe somebody could do something in, say, Ashland near Kings Dominion when the park is closed?

I think I’ve figured out what I need to do to pay Redacted‘s protection racket.

Whether that matters is another question altogether.

Will tune in some things at home tomorrow morning.