Busy week, but productive.
Obviously, the big news in my former world is the death of Rush Limbaugh.
As I aged, and was exposed to more information, his offerings became less pallatablle.
It happens.
I worked for one of his affiliates for nearly a decade. I’m still on good terms with the people I worked with there.
I’m pretty sure that it was while I was working there that I was fully-taught that on the air, you say “never a negative thought.”
It makes a difference to people who are listening. It’s something that’s been known for a long time.
When Daylight Savings Time begins or ends, you remind the listeners, “Remember to change your clocks before you go to bed.
Saying “don’t forget” is a negative thought.
Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.
Slight differences in language do make a difference.
That doesn’t translate well when you’re dealing with deeply-held political views in writing.
So when you start a broadcast/cable/podcast with a recession of an angry partisan screed, people switch away.
Your job is the get people to stick around long enough to listen to some commercials.
Otherwise, consuming your product is exhausting.
Even with draconian laws and regulations, you can leave.
That applies to things to which you’ve long had an allegiance.
It’s difficult, but sometimes it’s what you have to do.
There’s also no way to force people back into line; people have to want to be back consuming your offereiings.
And, as I wrote this, I took my own advice, and unsubscribed from that which I’d turned off Thursday.
It was tough, but it was something I needed to do.
So. What’s on tap for this week?
Another 10% increase in my exercise number. That’s for tomorrow, and I’m not particularly looking forward to it, but, again, doing what I need to do.
Keep the mailing lists up and running. Please subscribe to the ch-talk list. I gave access to someone else to help monitor the somewhat-tricky list daemon. (On an unrelated note, GNU apps don’t seem to always play nicely with the shitshow that is systemd…)
Some menial tracking stuff at work; I won’t elaborate.
Get through more of this that I’ve been listening to. Naturally, being the GenXer I am, I think about this.
Get my free Intertubes connection running. ComcatXfinity probably will try to shut it off, but I’m wondering if there’s something I can do with an IPSec tunnel to make it look like I’m working from home or something. I am a bit heartened that it appears the FCC isn’t going to be the disaster that it could be with the Democrats back in charge. I think this was something I meant to link the other day. If Government is the answer, you didn’t ask a good question.
I think I’ve written enough for the day. More as the inspiration strikes.