Debate Notes, unedited…

Kerry got another botox injection
Kerry hammers job losses, and John Ashcroft
Bush admits that no WMD’s found….mentions that Kerry also believed WMD’s existed.
Kerry: “I’ve never changed my mind about Iraq.”
Kerry points out that administration wants Iraq to be a total American effort, mentions that NATO’s help rejected
Kerry has like five glasses of water on his stand
More rehashing of Tora Bora by Kerry…something unproven
Bush is getting very defensive about Iraq again
Bush talks about how doing what he believes to be the right thing isn’t popular, and that’s okay.
Kerry tells the Shinseki lie again.
Bush pays credit to Internet2 by mentioning “internets”
Kerry vows to increase Army by 40,000 troops
Kerry more on tax cut for wealthy over homeland security
Kerry scores a point on prohibition of bulk-buy drugs for Medicare
Kerry: “Labels don’t mean anything” in response to Bush calling him a Liberal
Kerry on his health care plan, “The Government has nothing to do with it.”
Kerry says Bush gave a tax rebate to Enron
Kerry evokes Clinton nostalgia of “pay-as-you-go” budget
Williamsburg Brewer Pale Ale has no head. (sorry, drinking some nice brew while watching this….)
Kerry leads off with support of welfare reform during rebuttal of Bush’s environmental policy.
Kerry claims Kyoto treaty flawed, but Bush dismissed out-of-hand, not fix….
Bush finally explains that taxes over 200k would hurt sole propriters, S-Corps, and LLC’s
Bush: “I own a timber company? News to me………………….wanna buy some wood?”
Bush wants strict constructionists for the Supreme Court
Kerry brings up Scalia and Thomas
Kerry: “The Supreme Court is at stake in this race.” Intepret constitution according to the law?
Bush: “…promote a culture of life in America….”

Frenchie French on the take

Bill Gertz of the Washington Times, again, on top of things. This time, the French were paid off to thwart the US in the UN Security Council.
I guess this one passes that “international test,” Kerry speaks of……..
The US should not cowtow to the criminals in the UN anymore. Rather, we should withdraw from it completely. It’s time. It failed. Just like the League of Nations. It was a farce from the beginning, however, as it never strove to really ensure personal freedom around the world, despite its comical declaration of human rights (which can be suspended completely if a UN goal is deemed of greater importance). If international cooperation is desired, a multinational organization needs to be formed that explicitly excludes non-free countries. Lay out objective standards — if there are nations in the world who do not meet those standards, they cannot be members, nor may they receive aid from free countries.

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