twenty-seven. Write about a really expensive restaurant bill you’ve had. Where was it? How many people were in the party? What was really good? What was not-so-good? Do you at all regret it?

I’m trying to think of why, exactly, I came up with this prompt, but…

I’m not going to say, exactly, what my most expensive ever was.

I still haven’t hit the month’s rent in my college apartment yet, so…. Though I was in a party here (lediplomatedc.com), where the entire bill four four people exceeded….but we were all eating, and at least three of us were drinking, so….

There have been some other expensive romps. Normally in DC. Normally with big parties. Normally with plenty of alcohol.

I’m okay with this.

It’s not like we do it often – maybe once a year.

Even so, I feel like restauranteurs are a fuckton more honest than a lot of HR types. seethe


.26. Describe your work situation. Are you happy with it? Will it change soon?

So, my current work situation is happenstance, and it’s probably not going to happen much longer. Either because I quit, or because it comes to an end.

I’m really hoping for the former, rather than the latter. I’ll spare the particulars of government contracting, but, let’s just say, that despite ressurance from the low-level customer, there hasn’t been anything official published.

Without that official publication, I’m out of a job sometime late next month.

I’m okay that it’s almost done, one way or the other, because I’m incredibly unhappy.

Physically, the job has taken a toll on me. I work in an eighth of a cubicle, and have no way in or out of the facility without someone giving me a ride. As a “reasonable accommodation,” I’m now given a lockbox where I can store my phone, but it really doesn’t do me any good, because I can’t even get a taxi to the work site.

You know, I could write extensively about how bad this has all been, but I’m not going to. It won’t change anything.

So, so much for writing volumnously about this; I don’t want to talk about it.

On to other thing…..


.25. Five months until Christmas. Have you started shopping? What do you think it might be like this year?

No, no shopping yet that I can think of, though I’m sure there’s gifts stowed away for someone already. nods at wife

I really have no idea at all what it’ll be like. It’ll really depend on my work situation, honestly.

If I’m unemployed: Uhh, yeah, I haven’t had a Christmas, yet, as a member of the wonderful Jim Webb-inspired Tidewater economy, but I’d imagine it probably won’t be terribly merry. Scraping by even absent the holidays isn’t exactly easy, but I’d imagine it be easier than if I didn’t where the next month’s bills were coming from. (And, I hope you’re enjoying your cell in Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass prison, the guy who recommended me to the four-letter company, setting my salary back to 2007…..)
If I’m still in my own prison, rather like the last two years. In other words, rather meager.
If I’ve signed on to a halfway-decent job, it’ll be some much-needsd time off.
If I stumble back into the job I want, it could be busy, but I think I’ll be happy.


24. It’s the weekend; what are your plans?

Well, tonight, my wife and I are going to Doumar’s. http://www.doumars.com

Barbecue, Cherry Coke, and ice cream. I totally want those. I guess it’s also “National Hot Dog Day,” so I might have one of those there.

Otherwise, it’ll be pretty much the same as things have been since I’ve been in this situation. Resting, running whatever errands I must, and preparing for another week in lockup. I need a haircut.

But, really, it’s about spending time with my wife. I’m relaxed. I sleep better when she’s there.

Who knows what next weekend might be, as I’ll have just had my first Tysabri infusion.

For this, I still need to find writing prompts. I’m tempted to recycle some from NoJoMos of the past, but that seems like a bit of a cop-out.

Maybe inspiration will strike.

Still, the act of writing is important to me. It’s also about getting on a schedule with something other than dragging myself into work……


.23. Nobody liked you, but write a bit about you, when you were 23.

Me at 23?


Well, things in the world were really upside down after September 11th.
I was still in radio, even though I’d finished college, and should have been digging hard to get into law school.

But, after undergrad school, I was tired.

I’d been going balls-to-the-wall for at least four years, living in a state of perpetual jetlag. I wanted to break free, but I was stuck.

I was also broke. I paid more in Federal Income Tax for 2009 than I grossed in 2002 or 2003. Note that i said, “Federal Income Tax.” That’s not “payroll taxes,” Democrats. That’s actual evil rich guy income tax.

I was also lonely. Living in the middle of the night a lot of the time helped add to the isolation. I had no idea that I’d meet someone who’d make me happy, and I was really starting to get to the point of giving up on it.

The summer I turned 23, and the fall after, I think I spent a lot of my nights off fishing.

In a lot of ways, though, it seems like a completely different life. I was a different person.


  1. Why isn’t this Pi day in Europe? What other stupid Internet celebrations do you fail to understand?

I don’t know, and I’m trying to remember my acquaintance who got really upset about my contention that July 22nd is Pi Day.

Wikipedia says that 7/22 is also Pi Day, and that’s on the Internet, so it must be true.

There’s a day for everything, except, maybe, Tony Romo’s Super Bowl victory parade…..

I fell asleep right after I got back to my home-awwy-from-home last night, and ended up sleeping way too long. As a result, I’ve woken up way early this morning.

It happens.

Work is plodding along; I think I just need to trust my instincts a bit more as I go along. I don’t have a lot of productive work years left. If I’m going to be spending them for somebody else, it needs to be the right situation.

This isn’t it.


  1. What’s your biggest worry rightt now?

Single-biggest? This: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_multifocal_leukoencephalopathy

Do I have some other concerns? Sure, but none is as fatal.

I’m trying to do the right things in many of my places in life, but the PML still hovers.

I had a laundry list of things to gripe about, but I kind of wrote the prompt narrowly. That happens. Admit it, and move forward.

I was absolutely spent when I left work this afternoon. Unfortunately, this is too often the case. Fingers crossed to find a successful departure sooner rather than later.

Steamy Summer Stops

Since I’m bored, I’m going to do NoJoMo early this year. July 21 – August 20. I really want to get back into the swing of writing, and I figured this might be a way to do it.

My initial thought was to do a calendar month, but I want to get started, and August has some painful parts.

so I need to setup a new book, but that’ll have to wait until I have a better browser.


so, with that, I need prompts. For all 31 days in August. Readers’ inputs will be strongly considered for inclusion; I’m not that innovative.

twenty-one. What’s your biggest worry rightt now?
twenty-two. Why isn’t this Pi day in Europe? What other stupid Internet celebrations do you fail to understand?
twenty-three. Nobody liked you, but write a bit about you, when you were 23.
twenty-four. It’s the weekend; what are your plans?
twenty-five. Five months until Christmas. Have you started shopping? What do you think it might be like this year?
twenty-six. Describe your work situation. Are you happy with it? Will it change soon?
twenty-seven. Write about a really expensive restaurant bill you’ve had. Where was it? How many people were in the party? What was really good? What was not-so-good? Do you at all regret it?
twenty-eight. Do you have anything you feel like you’ve missed out on this summer? If so, can you still fit it in?
twenty-nine. What’s something you used to do often, but have gotten away from, and really miss?
thirty. What has you on edge?
thirty-one. Medical procedures. Tell me of them.

And I need some more….

1. It’s always kind of odd when a month starts on the last day of the week. That aside, what are you doing this weekend? What would you rather be doing?
2. 8-2. What do you remember from 1982?


.31. Medical procedures. Tell me of them

This prompt I wrote knowing what I’d be doing today. Accordingly, I started writing this from a bed in the infusion center at Norfolk General Hospital.

I’m getting Tysabri this afternoon.

Considering the part of the procedure that would give me the most issue is over, so far this isn’t ranking among the worst.

I’m squeamish. I admit that. I’m getting better, however. I think.

So, with that…..medical procedures.

I’ve never been under general anesthesia. I’m thankful about that.

I’ve had some major dental stuff done. I’ve been in the MRI tube enough that iron sticks all the time.

Like so many things, though, I get told to man up.

But the drug is flowing. And I’m bored. Pfft.


Not Suave, though.

The certification mafia is racketeering, pure and simple.

That said, I did “pass” my latest compelled purchase (of something I already held).

I am not at all amused by the whole process, or by the various four-letter companies for whom I was previously employed who should have been tracking this.