Shut up, Kim

Supposedly the reason the Pixies broke up in the first place is Frank Black wouldn’t let Kim Deal’s songs go on the albums. After downloading Bam Thwok from iTunes, I can kind of understand why. I mean, I guess, musically, it’s not bad. Joey Santiago rockin’ out as he normally does, and Frank does a respectable job with the backing vocals. But egad, Kim can’t sing anymore, not that she was that great as a lead before. Frank like needs to send her to whereever he took vocal lessons between “Pistolero” and “Dog in the Sand.”
I’m hoping the rest of the album is Frank’s stuff — with the exception of “Cult of Ray,” I haven’t ever been disappointed by one of his solo albums. “Frank Black” and “Dog in the Sand” are fucking genius.

More on Riddick

The Pilot has an editorial today on the whole Riddick situation. They get it wrong, and end up hypocrites at the same time.
The editorial staff of the Pilot has no problem with class warfare. Otherwise, they’d take the inititive to criticize the other politicians for whom it is bread and butter. John Edwards may well be the Democrat nominee for Vice President. Class warfare is the only thing he offers. Yet, nary a peep from the Pilot on Edwards or Democrat politicians like him. Think I’m kidding? How many times do you hear phrases like “the weathiest one percent,” or “middle-class health care?”
They also get the solution wrong. The problem is not the drug dealers. Government can’t keep drugs out of jails, much less off the street. The insane war on drugs is the reason you have incidents like the one at Military Circle. It’s time to legalize all drugs and end this battle in the streets between merchants who provide what people want, and the police who follow the orders of the politicians.


Jason Smathers. Network d00d at AOL. Sold 92 Million email addresses to a spamming fuck in Vegas. It would explain why a screenname I have, which I’ve never sent an e-mail from, now gets spam.
Here’s his website. Enjoy. Some interesting discussion going on in the forums.
TSG also has the juicy bits from the Federal complaint.
It also helps explain why I’ve been on the phone with AOL three times this week, trying to figure out why their alpha-quality spamfigher randomly rejects messages from one of my hosts. It’s an IP-based block, so it should block *all* of them. But no, it blocks sometimes, lets things through sometimes.
And it’s because of guys like him. Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prision for you, boy.

Hitchens pwns up on Michael Moore

From Slate. I seriously dig the Orwell quote, and it’s patently true.

The majority of pacifists either belong to obscure religious sects or are simply humanitarians who object to taking life and prefer not to follow their thoughts beyond that point. But there is a minority of intellectual pacifists, whose real though unacknowledged motive appears to be hatred of western democracy and admiration for totalitarianism. Pacifist propaganda usually boils down to saying that one side is as bad as the other, but if one looks closely at the writing of the younger intellectual pacifists, one finds that they do not by any means express impartial disapproval but are directed almost entirely against Britain and the United States …

*cough*Every war protester since Korea?*cough*
Pretty much. And it also explains the fascination with Communism among many in the Baby Boomer generation during the 1960’s and 1970’s.

Jews don\’t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\'t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\’t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\'t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\’t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.

Jews don\'t do drugs?

OMG. I don’t quite know what to make of Riddick. Sometimes he makes sense, other times he’s just out of control. WAVY tried to interview him and he beat up the cameraman. In the process we got a shot of Mary Kay Malonee’s ample backside and treetrunk legs. Ick.
/me thinks happy Kerri Mattson thoughts. She looks vaugely like Jenna Bush.