Saturday, again

Jimmy Buffett has died. (For future reference if the link breaks, this is to the NY Post story I saw bout it after seeing his name trending on TwitterX)

For most people, this is a bit of a sad celebrity aside.

For me, however, it’s bringing up all sorts of thoughts, primarily, “should I try to tell my mother about this?”

This is the day after I bought tickets for my wife and I to travel down to Biloxi to see her later this year. She’s in memory care. When I can get in touch with her, it’s never a sure thing that there’ll be a coherent conversation.

There are periods of lucidity, but most of the time, if a conversation starts, it goes nowhere quickly.

So, why would this have been important to me (and her)?

My parents followed his career, and were fans. They’d started following him as he’d peek in to his, alma mater, The University of Southern Mississippi. My dad was there 1969-73. My mother was in and out as her husband was off doing things in the Army as one of the last class of Lieutenant Dans for Vietnam. (He was in Infantry Officer Basic at Fort BenningMoore when the Paris Peace Accords were signed. (His Infantry Battalion was quickly rerouted to Okinawa with the end of hostilities. This also relates back to something my cousin and I were discussing, as he wants to meet up with my wife and I when we come down this fall. I have a strong suspicion that the Po’boy shop near his house is named for a guy who purportedly called my dad a draft dodger because he went to college to be an officer instead of enlisting. My dad wanted to be like his grandfather, who’d been an Army officer during World War I.)

My dad ended up spend nearly the next quarter-century on active duty as an Army officer. I have memories of Jimmy Buffett tapes coming through tinny speakers.

My mother got on a plane for the first time in 1973 to join her fresh 2LT husband in Okinawa after the redirection.

He’s now in Arlington. She’s back in memory care in Mississippi.

Do I even bother to try and tell her about it?

I really don’t know.

The music and lifestyle with which he made a name for himself really aren’t my cup of (“tea” would be in appropriate, so put in whichever boat drink you like…).

Though there were mentions in earlier parts of his career, I didn’t care much for the Marijuana references. I still have never smoked weed, despite my time in broadcast, and having MS!)

So a puzzling day two of what should have been a four-day weekend for me. Fair winds and following sea to Mr. Buffett. I want some coffee.

Abandonment To Authority

One of the things I’ve been kicking around today is where, logically, an appeal to authority who can use force falls. It’s not completely the logical Argument From Authority, but appeal to someone else who can do something, forcefully, bad to you.

I am really guilty of this, professionally; we can’t do what you’re trying to do because $rule.

In the political context, however, I think there’s something further. You think X should be a violation of Y law.

What do you want the enforcers to do about it?

Carry it through to the ultimate conclusion.

You’ve snitched; you’ve called the cops, now what do you think the cops should do?

I’m wondering if taking that sort of response is really a bad tack….


After a week off, I’m back to doing what I do on the weekend. Pretty much. I’m on puppy duty after an unspeakably long Friday.

It’s a situation where I’ve been handed something that, yes, I’ve done in hte past, but I really don’t have a good idea what’s going on, and my physical limitations are really negatively affecting my performance.

Maybe I’ll be better when I head there next week to try again. Maybe I’ll have more energy because I won’t have been trapsing around a very notable NoVA landmark.

Navigating that place is difficult for healthy people. For someone with the various malaise I have, it’s damned near impossible.

Even moreso when the neat indices are flirting with triple digits.

Thankfully, Remy, who’s written artfully about the Metro, perfectly-encapsulated the mood among the rich men North of Richmond.

I think I got the WMATA short bus stuff figured out again. Need to have some more papers filled, and probably go into the District for an are-you-really-disabled exam.

Am I Sofa King done? *shrug*

I’ll keep trying until I can’t anymore.

Kind of how I roll. Always has been. But, legitimately, I’m near the end. A bit depressing?


Have I been listening to Exile In Guyville for unknown reasons? Yep.

A lot of the thinking this morning is flavored by the latest WTF episode. Don’t wanna hear what I have to say? Okay. I’m going to keep doing and thinking what I want. I can leave.

But I am tired, and having vague flashes of dread about the full dose of the medication Tuesday.

Do I alter my plans to potentially accommodate a negative reaction?

I don’t know.

And worrying about it isn’t going to do me much good.

So, while I’m responsible for the dog the next couple of days, I’m going to try to enjoy that as much as I can.

And I guess we’ll see how the week plays out.

Thirty-one (8/20)

Time to wrap up.

Once again didn’t sleep well thinking about what the company’s done to me with its wise policy update (to a policy they haven’t finished, but it’s happeneing 1 September).

I should not be feeling this way.

It’s unfair.

I wish there was a better way to describe it, but that’s about all I can come up with.

To really needle their self-styled progressive nerves, the new policy actually does steal equity from me.

I could spend a ton of time really dwelling on it, but I’m not going to do that. I’m going to try to enjoy my couple days off.

Interesting back-and-forth over SMS with someone I’ve had fleeting interactions. He was from the town neighboring where my parents retired, and our mothers worked together at a couple of elementary schools.

He’s doing okay in hte midst of his divorce from an acquaintance of my iwfe an mine….odd situ.

A bit of amazement at my yet-to-be-finalized investment idea.

But it was nice to get some positive feedback.

But another summer compulsive streak in “the books.”

Am I spreading my weird burbles across the Intertubes to be preserved for posterity?

Or should i buy one of the Selectric IIIs I was looking at yesterday after writing that entry….?

I don’t really have a place to put it.

Thirty (8/19)

Privatized yesterday’s entry on the public blog. Given the number of people reading, I’m not really worried. No, I’m not going to make the OD cross-post private.

Still trying to figure out next steps on that.

Keep going back to maximum effect for the drones; you’ve stolen my equity already, now you’re stealing part of what I bargained for taking the job.

(And Microsoft’s in-browser checking doesn’t like the double-space after the semicolon. I think I’ve written about it before, but I learned to type on an IBM Selectirc III. The teacher for the class also taught Shorthand I kinda begged my parents to buy one of the typewriters the school district was selling off after they transitioned to keyboarding, but… Two spaces between sentences! Space prepending digits in lists so they line up!)

One more day of this

I think it’s showing to myself that I can keep at at something.

But which things do I want to do?

Without your knowledge, a customer rep keeps you on hold for half a day as a part of her companyā€™s study to see how much you can take.

This actually made me chuckle. A not-insignificant part of my time is spent doing this sort of thing.

The med school students have me doing some years=long study about my condition. I really don’t anticipate there being a problem. Anything I can do to help, I will.

My intention when I first went to Georgetown in whatever it was, 2016, maybe, that I was throwing myself to them in the hopes they could use me to further research to deal with this disease.

I will be forever grateful to the docs who’ve treated me there.

That kind of feeds into the issues at work. I appreciate that you think it’s important for people to live “whole lives.”

I can’t enjoy many of the things that I would be typically expected to enjoy. There’s not a ton of things I really do enjoy at this point. If you cared, you might handle me with kid gloves?

I’m wondering what’s up with some of the headlines Microsoft is pushing my way. Maybe too much The Fifth Column attention, but what the hell is with these stories where they don’t get into the things contained in the headline until Ā¶ ten?

Or show the photograph of a player who really has no relevance to the team anymore?

One of the many things I fail to understand.

I should go get some coffee, and decide what I should capture in the last entry tomorrow.

Twenty-eight (8/17)

Another terribly long day.

Not really sure what I can say aside form the fact that humidity has creeped back in in NoVA.

My diaphragm really does not work well when it’s hot. Same goes with what little bit of my vision is left.

I thank the coworker who gave me a ride, as the busses and Metro shop aren’t really close.

A key is missing on yourĀ keyboard

I don’t have any missing off this keyboard. But there’s several where the lettering is gone. Thans, EMACS!!1! C-x C-s.

Am dreading cheerleader-led pep rally tomorrow telling me that I really don’t have any vacation anymore.

Why am I still doing this?

Because that’s what I do.

Just like writing in streaks.

I looked back to a few summers ago to see what I’d written about then. The year I checked, I actually didn’t have an entry for this date.

So what happened this day?

Lots of stuff about old Christian churches.

They were good about keeping records.

You know who else was good at keeping records? /Godwin

Another day of this week. I’d planned on not working Monday, but I may have to repeat my somewhat-futile task of today. We’ll see.

Twenty-seven (8/16)

Another insane day. Tomorrow will be similarly strange. I had a nightmare last night about not being able to do what’s been asked of me.

There’s things I’ve gotta remember, and I’m nervous that I won’t do everything correctly. Some of this is stemming from some of this stuff being so distant from what I’ve done recently.

But I’m okay. Comfortable, even. I’ve gone through so much, and….whatever happens, I’m okay.

Pecans, Peanuts andĀ Pistachios.

Um. Do I have to pick just one?

But it goes along with a Tweetpost I was pondering the past few hours…\

Hm. Rotkohl.

I’ve also been thinking lately about greens — collards, mustard, turnip.

Fried okra.


I would like to cook something. But what?

Once things settle down a bit, I think I’m going to do that.

Maybe part of the reason I do things like these writing binges is the sense of completion that comes towards the end. Do I crave it? Maybe.

I think that’s probably a big part of the NoJoMo process.

Who knows?

Twenty-six (8/15)

Yeah, completely out-of-sorts today.

Another incredibly busy day.

I promised on TwitterX that I’d expound on what I’d written on Lions of Liberty Locals about this Rich Men North of Richmond song.

Not sure what to do w/ Rich Men North of Richmond. I guess I get part of it, but, really for the Byrd Organization-supporting Keep-Virginia-Blue types, the Commonwealth ends where the HOV lanes stop on 95.Ā And, noā€¦.those arenā€™t RON PAUL voters. Theyā€™re Jim Webb, Doug Wilder, and Ralphie Northam voters. DPVA has gone full re^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^Hbatshit crazy.Ā Ā Living in Democrat-since-the-Yankee-occupiers-left-in-1877 localities, I often vote in the Democrat primaryā€¦.and itā€™s often to vote against whichever nut the DerpProgress crowd has rolled out. I did that in 2020, too, specially to vote against Liz Warren (whoā€™s a hell of a lot whiter than Iā€¦.)

The RON PAUL fans were trying to make this guy sound like a RON PAUL fan. No, I’m thinking that’s not it, even if he’s talking about the dollar not being worth shit.

I know they’re hated by both the Keynesians and the Austrian acolytes, but a lot of folks from the Chicago School explain that price is a function of supply, demand, and available circulating money.

That last element has been in an overabundance, certainly since the pandemic pump priming, but I would say that it’s been going on since about 1995.

Interest rates have been held far below i9nflation since President Clinton, et. al., kept interest rates way below where they should be.

What goes up in price? Equities (so stocks), and Real assets (Housing).

Apologies for the brief interlude into this, but it’s the same in many areas.

Look at how back higher education is. You have a slack demand, now, because people my age didn’t form babby because we were worried about getting AIDS after there weren’t many of us to begin with.

The loans are completely guaranteed by the Federal Government.

When there was a peak in demand about ten years ago, now it’s nothing.

What can you do?

Reviewed the prompts I have left, and nothing is really catching me.

I’m going to go watch the news, sip a Godfather, and try to recoup for tomorrow.

Twenty-five (8/14)

Really tacking back to pre-9/11 entries to see where I was, mentally, back then.

Holding Everything Together
I sometimes wonder why, exactly, Iā€™m the only one I know who totally seems to have things togetherā€¦.why I donā€™t have any devestating problemsā€¦.why my issues are less significant than other peopleā€™s. It all seems so improbableā€¦that Iā€™d make it this far without majorly fucking something upā€¦being in a situation where things have gone totally wrong, and there are questions about whether Iā€™d ever get out of the situation.

And going back to my little advice problem (that it always seems like everyone I know is coming to me for advice, and Iā€™m never going to themā€¦that Iā€™m constantly solving problems, while never wanting to burden anyone with even the tiniest thing)ā€¦.

Maybe my time just hasnā€™t come yet? What a dreadful thought. FUD speak. But then again, I canā€™t foresee anythingā€¦.


You bet.

But then again, Iā€™ve been shit on a fair amount. I canā€™t imagine dealing with Spring ā€™99 again. Hmm.

Off in spaceā€¦excuse me.

Yep. That’s pretty much me, still, even after all of my problems. I try to help other people with their problems while acting like mine aren’t there.

Was I having symptoms back then? Um, yep. You bet.

In a hall of mirrors where each mirror reflects a character trait, you see yourself as you really are.

I’m trying to hide myself as best I can? With that one, my oft-repeated mantra of “you can leave” is tougher. Every attempt you make to disguise yourself gets tougher.

Maybe that has something to do with my odd attraction to houses with a basement?

If you can’t leave, make yourself as invisible as possible.

And my initial response is to say something about how I shouldn’t worry; I’m not that interesting, anyway. (Yes, doc, I know I’m not supposed to say things like htat..)

Oh well.

Twenty-four (8/13)

Up very early for a dentist appointment. What had been a roundabout at the end of the street that leads to Old Town was replaced with a more conventional intersection in the past two-and-a-half weeks. My wife, who was going for her cleaning, noticed. I did not, immediately, but I think I would have.

One of the biggest things I’ve noticed in places other than Tidewater, is that roadways change pretty quickly.

Maybe that pairs with some of what I’m dealing with work.

There’s just such reluctance to do anything different.

We have our way of doing things, and they’re correct forever.

Looking for something to write today, I stumbled across this. This thing I’m dealing with as a temporary fill-in is really setup that way. We work this way. We’ve been working this way for twenty years. Whatever you might want to do to change it is wrong. We don’t know why we’re operating this way, but it is the way.

Which kind of natural disaster would you find the most terrifying toĀ experience?

The fire in Maui does kinda fit the bill. My wife and I were watching some of the BBC coverage of it last night. Geez. And, thinking about it, England might be about as far away as you can get on the planet from Maui.

Much as I dislike linking to Space Cowboy Jeff’s sewer, they do have the story about how the government power company didn’t shut off the lines to prevent more fires from being sparked by downed lines.

See, we have a process for shutting off the service. You didn’t have a Form E-193 signed by five people that we need to shut off service….

Now my debate is whether I want to try to stay up, and watch the Saints’ preseason game….or take a nap.

I think the latter option is going to win.