
What job would you never take? (Flashback to 2013)

Yeah, I’m all sorts of backwards on this prompt. Couldn’t be because I’m licking spare cream cheese off my thumbs in a hotel breakfast area, now could it?

After what appeared to be an elderly guy with a much-younger family member cleared out, it’s been complete empty here.

Just the one guy at the table in the corner licking errant cream cheese off his thumb.

I will write more about what we were doing yesterday later, but I think it went well. Later in the evening, on the other hand, was not good. Little dog is having problems.

So, I guess today will be free-write, which is okay, I guess.

I don’t know. I’ve been making efforts to stay disconnected from work. So far they’ve been successful, but things are gnawing at me.

If I don’t do this right now, I’m going to be really screwed over next year. Or beyond that. Or whatever.

No, you need to settle the fuck down, and relax. Even on this trip, I’m not completely doing that. I’m worried about family issues, and miscellany associated.

Just relax, guy.

Yeah, good luck with that. Not how I behave, unfortunately.

Trying to figure out when would be a time where I could take a break absent calendar distractions.

It seems like there’s something going on almostt every single month.

Am I doing that to myself?

Even in what should be a slack day, I’m, with the formerly cream cheese-covered digit, thumbing in things to do.

Oh well.

I could write about football, but there’s not a lot I’ve really consumed lately.

Maybe I should write something more tonight. Probably not.