
What job would you never take?

Flashback to 2012.

At this point, I have no idea. As I’ve gotten closer to resolution on my time spent working for someone else, there’s still a few things burbling around in my head, but I don’t know that I’ll be in a position again where I have to ardently just to meet the bare necessities of life.

I think I showed that there wasn’t a hell of a lot I wouldn’t do to keep the lights turned on.

Regrets? A few, certainly, but I’m now at the point where I can be somewhat choosy about what I do.

We’ve done what we need to do so that we don’t have to make those hard choices again.

What I’m not going to do is take a job like the ones I had mourned 2016-7. I understand that that model of working is what’s kind of the approach of many companies these days, but whatever.

I’m not participating anymore.

It fits with my whole You-Can-Leave approach on many things.

Maybe this is something that aligns with the overall performance of the larger economy; I don’t know. But I’m not going to be abused again. I don’t need to be.

Do you have any idea how much it fucking sucks when you’re looking at the holidays approaching, and you know that you’re just going to earn less for the next two months because Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s.

But, like, paid family leave!!1!

Yeah, I don’t care about that. And it doesn’t make a bit of difference when government policies have really eliminated what was “full-time” employment.

I suppose the answer, then, is just about anything that doesn’t give me some personal fulfillment.

Running NetBackup on a busted-ass NT4 domain never did that.

So I won’t do it.

And I won’t be in a position, again, where I’m so desperate, financially, that I have to make that choice again.

I really should dig more into what I’m going to be doing when I get back “home.”

Next up will be the visit to the Reason new office in DC.