Another Summer

looks down at a weather app on the phone

Yeah. After 1900EDT, and it’s still 91 Fahrenheit in my portion of the DC swamp.

Am I writing this summer? Yes. Still digging through what I want to write about, but it’s going to happen.

Some of the discussion in the place where I was getting my Tysabri infusion yesterday was about my delight that I can still type without being able to see the screen well.

It’s something to do, certainly.

In the midst of migrating some server stuff to a new location, but I’m nearly finished.

This should be a fast-paced couple of weeks, then settle into some normalcy.

So I’m looking for things anyone might be interested in seeing me write about.

Let’s get it going.

Back At Again

The site for the Notes of a Goon podcast. Back At Again – Notes Of A Goon

But after issues with the domain registrar who shall remain nameless, I’m back on the Intertubes.

But it’s another Saturday to write.

Speaking of writing, I think I’m going to do my summer sprint again this year. Why the hell not?

So I need to dig through my outstanding prompts, and more things to add to the Summer Writing category.

But things are progressing.

Looking forward to my travels at the end of the week/next weekend.

Next Saturday’s writing may be from the train. We’ll see.

A Modesty Proposal

Writing this kind of in reaction to what I heard with some of the things with the Libertarian Party takeover this past weekend.

Yeah, I can’t hang with those sorts of folks. I am not going to share those sorts of personal details.

I wrote that last sentence kind of in the young-and-healthy mindset. I just got an email notice reminding me that it’s my twentieth anniversary as a LiveJournal user. Um. Yeah. I hadn’t written anything since 2003.

Obviously, I’ve been feeding this writing compulsion for a long time.

But back to the point, one of the former Reason editors, maybe Virginia Postrel, had a column (which I can’t find, unfortunately) complaining about the marijuana odor swirling around somewhere she was (I think SoCal).

I’ve never smoked marijuana. I worked in radio for how many years? I have multiple sclerosis. I’ve never smoked weed. I don’t like the odor. I’m skeptical about In my current situation, even though I am mildly curious about the neurological effects of cannaboids, and other psychoactive chemicals, I don’t partake.

That’s my choice.

To me, that’s the quintessence of Libertarianism. I can do what I want, and if I’m really not affecting anyone else by doing it, whatever.

But it’s also none of your business, and I don’t feel any urge to tell you about it.

I didn’t read too deeply into my old LJ, but I’m almost certain that there’s no discussion of executory activity.

I really don’t need, or want, to know about the last time you met physical needs.

It’s not me. I don’t need to know.

And, despite the fact that I wasn’t informed on the latest podcast that being immodest is Libertarian, it’s how I operate.

It’s how I’ve always operated.

But means I’m the enemy. Whatever.

The sorts of things I’ve heard are things that would absolutely have mortified me if others knew about them.

But it’s actually none of their business, either.

I don’t even like to share some of those things with my wife.

Does that make me an evil statist? Well, tune in to the guy who’s never made a payroll, or written something longer than a comedy sketch and find out.

But I’m not just going to rage quit. It’s not what I do. I just leave.

I hope you find satisfaction with whatever is your choice when you get Marrou-level vote totals thirty-plus years down the road.

Saturday, again

But it’s not the morning, at least.

I didn’t work yesterday to avoid earning a bunch more paid time off. I need to take some time, but I’m not sure when that’ll happen.

Still kind of on edge about job security.

Perhaps I should be more pensive about that, but I can’t bring myself to be really worried about it. I’m still relaxed with the situation in which I find myself with private disability insurance.

At the same time, I do find myself in demand, professionally. Just a question about whether I can do the things that appear on my resume anymore. The fleet of foreign recruiters, however, don’t really understand that. Or that I’m not interested in moving to a different state.

In the past two days, I’ve gotten north of twenty recruiters trying to get me to Austin, Texas.

First, I don’t want to go.

Second, my wife doesn’t want to go.

Third, I’m worried about my ability to get around there. Flashback to Milton waiting on the bench for the bus from Office Space.

Thirteen were from recruiters from the same company. I’m not going to link them, but the temptation is very much there.

Other stuff….

  1. Abortion. I’m tracking the rich white folks marching through DC about the leakedstoen draft (Use the sort of language used about the Hunter Biden laptop…), and finding myself torn on it. I am torn on the issue. As an errant part of the Paist Conspiracy, I am opposed to both abortion and capital punishment. But I really don’t think the government has a role in what, ultimately, should effect one universal policy. I brought up to Elizabeth Nolan Brown over twitter in reaction to her Reason column on it. I don’t think anyone would argue that buying, and consuming alcohol is a protected right in the US. Here in the Beltway Swamp, there’s four separate regulatory frameworks for buying liquor. Where I live, in Virginia, I have to buy all of my distilled liquor from the Commonwealth of Virginia. I can get it delivered directly to me, but it’s a strange process. It also takes a few days. Going across the bridge named after the most racist President in US history, into Prince George’s County, Maryland, you can buy from a private store. I don’t know what the delivery there is. If you take US 50 back into the District, you can buy at all sorts of private stores, and get it delivered by Drizly. Go further east into Montgomery County, Maryland, and you have to buy pretty much all of your alcohol from Montgomery County-owned stores. I’m not planning to ever buy liquor from a MoCo store. I’m also not planning to live in MoCo, probably ever. Difference among places isn’t an issue. There doesn’t need to be a single standard for the entire country. Even the blessed European Union has countries with different standards across national borders. Abortion is pretty much illegal in Poland. Does that affect someone who lives in France? No. The law that the Supreme Court is set to rule on is a law in Mississippi that doesn’t outlaw abortion. But it does limit it to the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy. Which is less restrictive than the Stupid Flandsers in Belgium (where it’s fourteen weeks). Why does there need to be a single standard in the US? I don’t understand it. Do I really care that you can’t pump your own gasoline in New Jersey? No. No, I don’t. I just won’t buy gas in New Jersey. If you want an abortion, you can go somewhere else. You’re not stuck in one place. This goes into something that was a reading recommendation from one of my doctors. The book was interesting, but the epilogue/conclusion was something that was despairing about climate change, the Trump Administration, and Bolsonaro. No. In pretty much any situation, you can leave, if the situation is too much for you to take. Want to have someone get an abortion? Pay for her train ticket to New York. It’s not that tough.
  2. Happy that The Fifth Column has successfully away from that other funding source. I can subscribe, now, without reservation. The reason I wouldn’t use the previous support platform is what they did to someone who I find loathsome. No, it’s not okay to just take money intended for someone. I’m sorry if that negatively affects some others who I’d like to support. I’m also happily supporting other things on Locals. Choice isn’t a bad thing.
  3. Listening to TFC, however, is tempering the takes on news. Still marveling at how wrong the NeoHippies have been when it comes to everything surrounding what’s happening with the Russians. It’s bang-your-head-on-the-desk stupid. Just because someone in the “corporate press” is reporting something doesn’t mean it’s wrong. For a few from the “underground,” Russia is probably losing. But, no, I should pay more attention to the people who said that there wasn’t going to be an invasion. Got it. GFY

I think I’m going to stop there, and go watch football.

Stuck In A Moment

Yeah, it’s a reference to an odd U2 song. I dunno.

This is where the NeoHippies are, and always will be. (I understand that it doesn’t really fit perfectly, but I’m so finished with the Again. And more.)

That really is a callback to my days in radio, where I’d rip probably three faxes per day peddling various apologetics.

I felt much the same way about the obsessive Chomsky quoters on Orkut.

But the latest part is the “takeover.” Instead of creaking fax machines, the new delivery source is Twitter.

While I gave them some credence as I’ve been bumping through various Libertarian podcasts, and seeing them treated favorably on Kennedy, the miss on the Russian invasion of Ukraine really soured me.

Now what they’re worried about, first and foremost, is keeping the US out of a nuclear war. See the clip in the first line. Things that have happened really are irrelevant. Pay attention to this one article Harry Browne wrote in 2001. Pay attention to some of the icky things the US was involved with in South America in the 1970s and 1980s. Pay attention to the Iranian coup in 1953. (Which, yes, the early CIA helped with, but was primarily a British operation….Hitchens wrote about this after the Michael Moore trope was released in 2004.)

Hear what you want to hear, and disregard the rest…..

See? I did have Boomer professors….

(And that particular Boomer professor had actually been a counterpart of my dad’s in the Army…I’ve wondered what happened to him, but my web search skills fail….he’s got a very common first name, and a surname that’s shared with another university nearby….)

The similar thoughts that came into my head watching the debate in NYC, that the clapping section, who now define what Libertarianism is, thought one person won. See here.

What do I do if they succeed? Well, I take my own advice.

Speaking of podcasts, the most notable one I heard this week was this.

I miss the Free Beacon podcast. It was one of the things that seemed to die with the COVID lockdowns.

I could probably plunk away for hours, but I understand that basically nobody will read this. Whatever.

Sunday Sunday Sunday

I love how modern browser thingie complains that I repeat words.

Maybe I typed it on purpose, okay?

I worked some yesterday. It’s kind of make-up for basically not working Friday. I almost got distracted, there, too, but I resisted. One of the things I’m a bit concerned about crossed my mind.

Things are changing whether or not people push back on that change.

I’m not particularly wedded to any way of working. No, this doesn’t make me a bad employee, person, whatever.

I understand, of course, the push towards longevity, naturally. The place where this is hosted I’m working on a replacement for.

The blog, and its associated artifacts are pretty straightforward. But I’m thinking that the method of storing email in individual mailstores is probably not terribly efficient these days.

So continue along the path of figuring things out. Maybe it wouldn’t have made sense in 2005; it’s not 2005 anymore.

Looking at things that way really aren’t looked upon kindly, professionally. See: Boomer President IV on aircraft carrier equipment. (The current guy thinks it should be a return to seaplanes….)

But I try to stay up on things as best I can.

I’ve also really learned to accept that I don’t have all the answers to everything. I don’t have any delusion that my work is perfect, either.

Shmoocon Ten

Watching this about crypto.

Mubix, when he sees something new, he starts trying to figure out how to misuse something.

If you don’t include “crypto is horrible,” or “crypto sucks” when you’re coding in encryption, it will fail.

Solarwinds was relatively easy to crack because they used old protections, that was probably what caused the problems.

You can’t spell cryptography without crime.

Shmoocon Nine

EFF presentation on some recent SCOTUS decisions.

One of the things I’d wanted to write about is looking back at Shmoocons past regarding politics.

Obama was good for privacy.

Trump was elected due to Russian meddling in 2016.

Blowback Theory

RON PAUL’s theiry fron 2008 is that the September 11, 2001 attacks were the result of blowback from US operations overseas if this theory is correct, why hasnt there been another attack sinxe?