Where the threats lie

One of the things that’s been running through my head the past few days is that your data is actually safer “in the cloud.” Charles Johnson over at Little Green Footballs spoke to it when discussing Eddie’s disclosure of protected information to puppetmaster Glenn Greenwald.

I’m reminded of the abject shock and horror one of my former managers had when he found out I could have read any of his emails if I’d wanted to. Aside from the facts that a) I didn’t have time to do that, and b) I didn’t have context for many of them to understand them, I mainly didn’t read them because I really didn’t care to. You are worried about getting a gift for Stacy’s baby shower Thursday? Susan totally botched her sales presentation to Jones and Company?

I. Don’t. Care.

Neither does Google.
Neither does Microsoft.
Neither does Rackspace.
Neither does AT&T.
Neither does Verizon.
Neither does Cox.
Neither does Facebook, even though they might brighten Carol’s newsfeed after Susan totally blew that opportunity. (Here’s a hint, Facebook, Carol really likes videos with cats.  She could use a few extra this week, and maybe some dating prospects, as she’s insanely jealous that Stacy’s getting all the attention just because she got some action.)

Neither, probably, does Jason your Ops Guy. He’s just between modules on that vendor training you paid for, and there’s nothing interesting on Reddit, so time to snoop.

The NSA doesn’t really care about much of it, either. None of what they collected got released until Eddie stole the data from the NSA, and gave it to his buddy Glenn.

Maybe ultimately the weak spots are Jason and Eddie?

Bob Your Head

Saw Joe Trippi posted this on Twitter..

I find a few things incredible about it.

  1. While calling for innovation, his preferred politicians do their best to stymie any sort of innovation when it affects contributors, and;
  2. The politicians they do elect, who enacted new regulations, and selectively enforced others, actively work to reinforce teh bad practice(s)  the innovators are working to replace.


Invented a new way for people to get from place to place without using the overpriced taxi services? Sweet! Please vote for us! Nevermind that we’ll just go shut it down after the election, saying that you’re not complying with some regulation we chose not to enforce before.

Found a new way to do business? Yeah, about that. Because you didn’t pay proper protection, I mean, get the proper paper certifications, you can’t work.

Oh, and by the way, you know those laws that say people have a right to work? Our friend Marvin is going to run a secret poll of your workers to see if they want union representation.

It’s disgusting.

To The Cloud

Not long ago, I tweeted this:


What was it in reference to? What I’m trying to do with ITS757. There’s two principles I have yet to see a compelling rebuttal:

  • You can do most things cheaper in-house, and;
  • You can hope to compete with the big guys’ reliability and security

Who’s this bad news for? Those who’ve invested a lot of time playing Minesweeper getting vendor and security certifications.

For my stuff, I chose to go with the totes-not-evil big G. Maybe there was someone else I could have chosen, but I have experience, a discomfort level with their stuff.

Could I have made pretty graphs about it? Sure. Could I have done weeks’-long analysis? Absolutely. Would I recommend a customer have me do that? You bet.

Things that keep me awake

I’ve been thinking the past couple of days about this concept of “creating customer value.” It’s a big thing in the study prep for many of the minesweeper contestes.

Still, the definition seems arbitrary, without quantification. This is even more true when “experts” spend scant time determining utility.

The solution creates customer value simple because it is awesome, and I, being awesome, created it.

After Further Consideration….

I promised I’d write something about NBC’s interview with Eddie The Ops Guy.

The flippant answer is channeling Dennis Green, and that this is just a sweeps bit. (Guess Andy Fox chasing after cars ain’t workin’ anymore….) I’ve written about Eddie The Ops Guy a couple of times.

I found three decent reaction pieces on the interview.

  • The first, from Howard Kurtz (Someone I used in college, and his coverage of the Clinton Impeachment. You know, college, that place the high school dropout Eddie has never even considered.)
  • The Baltimore Sun
  • And the best one from the New York Times.

The interview didn’t really answer much, but it did reconfirm my initial suspicions about the guy.

He’s a self-important douchenozzle.

I kept waiting for him to invoke the name of his lord and savior, RON PAUL, but he never did.

If you, fundamentally, have a problem with what the people you work for are doing, you quit. GTFO. If it’s so egregious, then you go to the authorities. You don’t steal things, then run off to places hostile for security.

If you really think you were defending American values, why are you so scared of allowing its systems of justice and redress to work?

Look at yourself in the mirror

I do, without reservation, despite my failing vision.

Went onto Google News this afternoon, and saw a new story about people I knew from previous jobs. Three are already going to Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass prison. Yesterday, another was indicted.

I seem to recall being lectured by a Minesweeper Expert about how nobody ever would end up in serious trouble for merely “unethical” behavior. “IT’S NOT A MORAL ISSUE!”

Really? Seriously?

I suppose I should feel somewhat vindicated, but I don’t. Even with, now, a fourth example, my take on the issue would be disregarded because I haven’t bought enough extra letters after my name.

Message received.

I hope you’ll get yours down the road. I also hope your cellmate(s) want to hear your treatise about the distinction between moral and ethical behavior.

Two Parties One STEM

It’s not as disturbing as 2G1C, but could be if you think about it enough.

I tweeted this earlier, and said I’d say more about it.

For the 1970s Business School Republicans, lots more immigrants and fresh STEM graduates means that they can drop wages as the labor pool expands.

For the paid-for Democrats, STEM keeps graying college professors employed until they finally decide they want to quit, teaching outdated technology and methods for a ton of money. The immigration side of it doesn’t enter the equation, there, though, because pretty much everybody in their base would be negatively affected by lower salaries. No worries, though, since all the new folks will come vote Democrat, anyway.

Still, the larger point is: what’s passing as STEM education really tends to teach nothing useful. Ask an MCSE to explain how email works. Yes, you can do it without Microsoft Exchange. In fact, it’s a fuckton more secure if you omit Exchange. You also don’t need to buy an aftermarket appliance to sit between every SMTP server and the Internet to prevent spam. Really.

You can communicate over SMTP using telent if you know how it works. Bubuhbut there’s no more HYPTERTERMINAL, ANYMORE.


Regulate Your Despotic Urges

SMDH over the responses I’ve been seeing to the FCC’s Net Neutereality rules.

The three Democrats on the panel supported the rule, while the two token Republicans opposed it.

Ultimately, it says that providers can do whatever the hell they want. If they’re being paid by content providers for preferred access, so be it.

Cluestick: they already had the authority to do this. The FCC ruling just codifies it. Had the FCC ruled the other way, the big telecommunications companies would have filed suit over the rules. These new rules are akin to a state government giving permission to a neighboring state to do something they’re already permitted to do. The Virginia General Assembly could pass a bill saying it’s okay for North Carolinians to root for Duke. (We’ll set aside, for a moment, the fact that Duke sucks, and if you have the misfortune of residing in North Carolina, you could root for something a little better, like UNC or NC State….)

Congress could have given the FCC the power to regulate in 2009-2010, but they chose not to. Even if they had gotten a NN bill through the House in 2010, it likely would have died in the Senate at the hands of people like Mark “Nextel” Warner.

Since the bill never got to him, he can run and say he supports it. O.o And the NoVA Hipster Democrats will totally believe him for saying it. (And ignore the fact that come election day, he’ll have passed only two yearly budgets during his six-year term.)

On a somewhat-related note, interesting Sweeps reporting from WTKR about getting rid of cable. Naturally, they omitted the part about how the broadcasters are actually charging the cable companies money to carry a freely-available signal, but, this is what my wife and I tried to do last winter during my last period of goverment-inflicted unemployment. FORWARD. Unfortunately, that experiment didn’t work as planned to the incompetence of the local phone company, and its wonderful “employees.”

I’m getting a bit off-point; the reason the FCC can’t do anything about providers giving priority (or throttling) to content providers isn’t because of Republicans in the House. The Hipster Dems would prefer despotic action to get whatever it is that they claim to want. Nobody in Washington is willing to go through the processes to do things the right way.

It’s sad.

Much like what I’ve faced lately with my work prospects, doing the wrong thing faster doesn’t make it the right thing. That you’re authoritative, either by your office, or by the store-bought letters after your name, doesn’t mean that you don’t have to abide by the processes in place to get things done.

Listen, I understand that you’re awesome. I get it. You still have to follow the rules. (And that’s why I’m not linking to my new stuff. 1. It’s not ready for public-consumption. 2. I haven’t finished the necessary paperwork to make it legitimate. So it goes….)

Whoa. I just figured something out.

Unlike Butt-Head, not that this sucks because the TV’s gone (although it does suck because it’s written on a blog…).

Your data is probably more secure “in the cloud” than it is if it’s networked to your server room.

Bring on the skepticism, please. I think it’d be possible to refute most of the arguments.

And to quanify the difference in price.

Bit about the sekurity mastar disagreeing, losing the argument, then recommending hiring of a pentester after his buddies have haxxed in omitted. Oops.

As the clouds settle

when do they finally land on small and mid-sized businesses?

How many small and mid-sized companies are doing things in-house that could be done cheaper and more efficiently by a network utility company? (Note the phrasology there…)

For a few years now, I’ve contemplated how to send Nick Burns back to selling the latest Android devices at the Verizon Wireless store. Where I was getting hung up is that as my business idea succeeded, the customer base would almost disappear.

I’m not sure that’s that important, now. Yes, there is opportunity in transition operations, but there’s a lot of messes to clean up that Nick Burns, MCP+, Net+, Sec+, CCNA, RHCE, etc. created.

After the transition work, there’ll be places where you’d need to convince the 1970/80s MBA that he doesn’t need to run everything in-house to be zomgsekur.