Remember (or more Shmoo)

Cats hate people, and would kill them if they were big enough to do so.

Listening to this one, which ended up being more about ยง230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996.

I’m not sure what to say about it. I get sidetracked by thinking about my idea that every law should expire after a fixed amount of time, and every regulation based on that law should similarly expire in a fixed period of time.

Then we wouldn’t have to worry about a law that’s nearly a quarter-century old in the case of the CDA.

Or care at all about any of the bad things that passed during the Wilson Administration. (See: The Jones Act, which is very bad for Hawaii and Puerto Rico).

Congress wants lots of content on the Intertubes. Well, the right content. You know, not bad stuff like prostitution ads, or kiddie pr0n.

Or Alex Jones; won’t someone think of the frogs??!?

Is there an answer? I’m skeptical, and it’s a lot easier for these 535 people to not work at all than to do anything that might not be permanent and effective.

Does there need to be protection for platforms? Yes. Are there some real problems with platforms? Yes. Have there been some instances where platforms are really overreacting due to both political and corporate pressure?


The next one was this. As someone who’s not a professional code-slinger, I was having a bit of trouble following completely, and staying interested.

The commentary accompanying the livestream was fascinating.

I participated.

It is really incredible what people are doing with client-side code.

*slips on a-hole Sekurity Mastar pants*

You can fix a lot of that stuff with centralized management.

DoD, something which I am all too familiar, has managed to render nearly COTS browser basically unusable.

I’m actually okay with this.

And the next one. Very good talk, but I’m not sure I understand enough about where the “spam” calls are coming from to know whether this would actually be an effective solution.

It would seem to me that having a client/gateway setup would be nearly as effective. You could authenticate the device using something like a hardware token, then do the traffic over L2TP.

I understand there’s overhead there.

I also know that pure SIP voice traffic consumes very little bandwidth. Hell, I was doing GSM calls over a 9600bps INMARSAT connection nearly fifteen years ago.

Yes, the quality sucked.

But that was true of lots of things in 2006.

What this protocol does is encrypt the data channel, so very much like what would happen over L2TP.

Six of one, half-dozen of the other, I suppose.

Not going to write about the Firetalks. Just listen.

And the last one about robots storing data. Pepper and Mao isn’t a dish at your favorite Chinese joint.

Questions about privacy policy application; the robots are owned by someone else, and the data is sent offsite.

And you wonder why I don’t have an Alexa. Or why Siri is disabled on my Apple devices.

Her main point is she has concerns.

Maybe I’ll be feeling well enough to sit through things in person tomorrow.

I’m done for now. Hopefully I’ll be feeling well enough to venture in to the District for tomorrow’s talks.